Additional Inherited Members | |
![]() | |
setLoginName ($login) | |
getSubstitute () | |
getIncumbents ($returnSystemIds=true) | |
setSubstitute ($substitute) | |
setLogin ($login, $unused= '0') | |
setFid ($fid) | |
preInsert () | |
PostInsert () | |
postUpdate () | |
preUpdate () | |
postDelete () | |
CheckLogin ($login, $unused, $whatid) | |
getAccountName () | |
setUsers ($fid, $lname, $fname, $expires, $passdelay, $login, $status, $pwd1, $pwd2, $unused= '', $extmail= '') | |
updateUser ($fid, $lname, $fname, $expires, $passdelay, $login, $status, $pwd1, $pwd2, $extmail= '', array $roles=array(-1), $substitute=-1) | |
setGroups ($fid, $gname, $login, array $roles=array(-1)) | |
revert () | |
getExpires () | |
computepass ($pass, &$passk) | |
checkpassword ($pass) | |
checkpass ($pass, $passk) | |
getMail ($rawmail=true) | |
PostInit () | |
getIncumbentPrivilege (Doc &$doc, $acl) | |
getGroupsId () | |
getRUsersList ($id, $r=array()) | |
getUsersGroupList ($gid, $onlygroup=false) | |
getUserParents ($accountFilter= '') | |
getStrictMemberOf ($uid=-1) | |
updateMemberOf ($updateSubstitute=true) | |
getMemberOf ($useSystemId=true) | |
isMember ($uid) | |
getGroupUserList ($qtype="LIST", $withgroup=false, $limit="all") | |
getAllMembers ($limit="all", $onlyUsers=true) | |
getUserToken ($expireDelay=-1, $oneshot=false, $context=array(), $description="", $forceCreate=false) | |
setAdminHtpasswd ($admin_passwd) | |
setSupervisorHtpasswd ($admin_passwd) | |
addRole ($idRole) | |
setRoles (array $roleIds) | |
getRoles ($useSystemId=true) | |
getAllRoles () | |
deleteRoles () | |
![]() | |
__construct ($dbaccess= '', $id= '', $res= '', $dbid=0) | |
Select ($id) | |
getValues () | |
affectColumn ($fields, $reset=true) | |
affect ($array, $more=false, $reset=true) | |
isAffected () | |
Complete () | |
preInsert () | |
postInsert () | |
preUpdate () | |
postUpdate () | |
preDelete () | |
postDelete () | |
preSelect ($id) | |
postSelect ($id) | |
Add ($nopost=false, $nopre=false) | |
modify ($nopost=false, $sfields="", $nopre=false) | |
delete ($nopost=false) | |
Adds (&$tcopy, $nopost=false) | |
lw ($prop) | |
CloseConnect () | |
Create ($nopost=false) | |
postInit () | |
init_dbid () | |
exec_query ($sql, $lvl=0, $prepare=false) | |
numrows () | |
fetch_array ($c, $type=PGSQL_ASSOC) | |
update () | |
setError ($moreerr= '') | |
autoUpdate () | |
savePoint ($point) | |
lockPoint ($exclusiveLock, $exclusiveLockPrefix= '') | |
setMasterLock ($useLock) | |
rollbackPoint ($point) | |
commitPoint ($point) | |
![]() | |
static | getDisplayName ($uid) |
static | getUidFromFid ($fid) |
static | getFidFromUid ($uid) |
static | getUserList ($qtype="LIST", $start=0, $slice=0, $filteruser= '') |
static | getGroupList ($qtype="LIST") |
static | getRoleList ($qtype="LIST") |
static | getUserAndGroupList ($qtype="LIST") |
static | getUserMemberOf ($uid, $strict=false) |
![]() | |
const | GALL_ID = GALL_ID |
const | ADMIN_ID = 1 |
const | USER_TYPE = "U" |
const | GROUP_TYPE = "G" |
const | ROLE_TYPE = "R" |
$fields | |
$id | |
$lastname | |
$firstname | |
$login | |
$password | |
$isgroup | |
$expires | |
$passdelay | |
$status | |
$fid | |
$memberof | |
$accounttype | |
$substitute | |
$famid | |
$password_new | |
$id_fields | |
$dbtable = "users" | |
$order_by = "lastname, accounttype" | |
$fulltextfields | |
$sqlcreate | |
![]() | |
$dbid = - 1 | |
$dbaccess = '' | |
$fields | |
$dbtable = '' | |
$id_fields | |
$criterias = array() | |
$sup_fields = array() | |
$sup_where = array() | |
$sup_tables = array() | |
$fulltextfields = array() | |
$order_by = "" | |
$isset = false | |
$msg_err = '' | |
$err_code = '' | |
$res = '' | |
$debug = false | |
$sqlcreate | |
$sqlinit | |
$log | |
![]() | |
static | $savepoint = array() |
static | $lockpoint = array() |
static | $sqlStrict = null |
![]() | |
tryCreate () | |
Manage User, Group and Role account object
Definition at line 14 of file Class.User.php.