Public Member Functions | |
__toString () | |
postInsert () | |
setChanged () | |
isChanged () | |
PreInsert () | |
preUpdate () | |
postUpdate () | |
regenerateTemplate ($aid, $index=-1) | |
regenerateTemplates () | |
updateRelations ($force=false) | |
getCurSequence () | |
nextSequence ($fromid=0) | |
disableEditControl () | |
enableEditControl () | |
isRevisable () | |
transfertValuesFrom (&$from) | |
convert ($fromid, $prevalues=array()) | |
canUpdateDoc () | |
save (&$info=null, $skipConstraint=false) | |
store (&$info=null, $skipConstraint=false) | |
canEdit ($verifyDomain=true) | |
CanLockFile () | |
canLock () | |
canUnLock () | |
CanUnLockFile () | |
isLocked ($my=false) | |
isConfidential () | |
getFamDoc () | |
getFamilyDocument () | |
getFreedomFromTitle ($title) | |
getParamValue ($idp, $def="") | |
getFamilyParameterValue ($idp, $def="") | |
getDocWithSameTitle ($key1="title", $key2="") | |
getRevisionState ($state, $fixed=false) | |
deleteTemporary () | |
PreDocDelete () | |
ReallyDelete ($nopost) | |
delete ($really=false, $control=true, $nopost=false) | |
revive () | |
undelete () | |
affect ($array, $more=false, $reset=true) | |
complete () | |
init () | |
description () | |
getFathersDoc () | |
getFromDoc () | |
getChildFam ($id=-1, $controlcreate=false) | |
getRevisions ($type="LIST", $limit=200) | |
latestId ($fixed=false, $forcequery=false) | |
getLatestId ($fixed=false, $forcequery=false) | |
getVersion () | |
getLabel ($idAttr) | |
getProperty ($prop) | |
getPropertyValue ($prop) | |
& | tag () |
& | getAttribute ($idAttr, &$oa=null, $useMask=true) |
& | getAttributes ($useMask=true) |
setMask ($mid) | |
getNormalAttributes ($onlyopt=false) | |
getFieldAttributes () | |
getActionAttributes () | |
getAbstractAttributes () | |
getTitleAttributes () | |
getProfilAttributes () | |
getInputAttributes ($onlyopt=false) | |
getParamAttributes () | |
getFileAttributes ($onlyfile=false) | |
getFilesProperties () | |
hasWaitingFiles () | |
resetConvertVaultFile ($attrid, $index) | |
convertVaultFile ($va, $engine, $isimage=false) | |
getMenuAttributes ($viewhidden=false) | |
getNeededAttributes ($parameters=false) | |
isCompleteNeeded () | |
equal ($a, $b) | |
getExportAttributes ($withfile=false, $forcedefault=false) | |
getImportAttributes () | |
getSortAttributes () | |
refreshTitle () | |
postConstructor () | |
postModify () | |
postStore () | |
preStore () | |
preEdition () | |
preConsultation () | |
postCreated () | |
preCreated () | |
preImport (array $extra=array()) | |
postImport (array $extra=array()) | |
preRevise () | |
postRevise () | |
preUndelete () | |
postUndelete () | |
preRevive () | |
postRevive () | |
setTitle ($title) | |
getValues () | |
getRawValue ($idAttr, $def="") | |
setAttributeValue ($idAttr, $value) | |
getValue ($idAttr, $def="") | |
getTValue ($idAttr, $def="", $index=-1) | |
getMultipleRawValues ($idAttr, $def="", $index=-1) | |
getAValues ($idAttr, $index=-1) | |
getArrayRawValues ($idAttr, $index=-1) | |
removeArrayRow ($idAttr, $index) | |
completeArrayRow ($idAttr, $deleteLastEmptyRows=true) | |
addArrayRow ($idAttr, $tv, $index=-1) | |
clearArrayValues ($idAttr) | |
deleteArray ($idAttr) | |
setValue ($attrid, $value, $index=-1, &$kvalue=null) | |
recomputeTextFiles ($aid= '') | |
setTextValueInFile ($attrid, $value, $ftitle="") | |
getTextValueFromFile ($attrid, &$text) | |
copyFile ($idattr, $newname="", $index=-1) | |
renameFile ($idattr, $newname, $index=-1) | |
vaultRegisterFile ($filename, $ftitle="", &$info=null) | |
setFile ($attrid, $filename, $ftitle="", $index=-1) | |
storeFile ($attrid, $filename, $ftitle="", $index=-1) | |
storeFiles ($attrid, $filenames, $ftitle="") | |
duplicateFiles () | |
getRValue ($RidAttr, $def="", $latest=true, $html=false) | |
getOldValue ($attrid) | |
getOldRawValue ($attrid) | |
getOldValues () | |
getOldRawValues () | |
clearValue ($attrid) | |
deleteValue ($attrid) | |
getValueMethod ($value) | |
applyMethod ($method, $def="", $index=-1, array $bargs=array(), array $mapArgs=array(), &$err= '') | |
verifyConstraint ($attrid, $index=-1) | |
verifyAllConstraints ($stoptofirst=true, &$info=array()) | |
getFirstFileAttributes () | |
addHistoryEntry ($comment= '', $level=DocHisto::INFO, $code= '', $uid= '') | |
addComment ($comment= '', $level=DocHisto::INFO, $code= '', $uid= '') | |
addLog ($code= '', $arg= '', $comment= '', $level= '', $uid= '') | |
getHisto ($allrev=false, $code="", $limit=0) | |
addATag ($tag) | |
getATag ($tag) | |
delATag ($tag) | |
addUTag ($uid, $tag, $datas="", $allrevision=true) | |
hasUTag ($tag, $allrevision=true) | |
getUTag ($tag, $allrevision=true, $uid=null) | |
delUTag ($uid, $tag, $allrevision=true) | |
delUTags ($uid=0) | |
refreshUTags () | |
searchUTags ($tag="", $allrevision=true, $allusers=false) | |
setWaskAnswer ($waskid, $answer) | |
askIsCompleted () | |
getLatestIdWithAsk () | |
isFixed () | |
addRevision ($comment= '') | |
changeFreeState ($newstateid, $comment= '', $revision=true) | |
setState ($newstate, $comment= '', $force=false, $withcontrol=true, $wm1=true, $wm2=true, $wneed=true, $wm0=true, $wm3=true, &$msg= '') | |
getState () | |
getStateColor ($def="") | |
getStateActivity ($def="") | |
getStatelabel () | |
copy ($temporary=false, $control=true, $linkfld=false, $copyfile=false) | |
duplicate ($temporary=false, $control=true, $linkfld=false, $copyfile=false) | |
preDuplicate (&$copyfrom) | |
preCopy (&$copyfrom) | |
postDuplicate (&$copyfrom) | |
postCopy (&$copyfrom) | |
translate ($docid, $translate) | |
archive (&$archive) | |
unArchive (&$archive) | |
lock ($auto=false, $userid=0) | |
unLock ($auto=false, $force=false) | |
allocate ($userid, $comment="", $revision=false, $autolock=true) | |
unallocate ($comment="", $revision=true) | |
getIcon ($idicon="", $size=null, $otherId=null) | |
changeIcon ($icon) | |
addParamRefresh ($in, $out) | |
getRefreshVisibility () | |
preRefresh () | |
specRefresh () | |
postRefresh () | |
specRefreshGen ($onlyspec=false) | |
refresh () | |
refreshRn () | |
urlWhatEncode ($link, $k=-1) | |
urlWhatEncodeSpec ($l) | |
getRssLink () | |
getFileLink ($attrid, $index=-1, $cache=false, $inline=false, $otherValue= '', $info=null) | |
getDocAnchor ($id, $target="_self", $htmllink=true, $title=false, $js=true, $docrev="latest", $viewIcon=false) | |
getHtmlValue ($oattr, $value, $target="_self", $htmllink=true, $index=-1, $entities=true, $abstract=false) | |
getHtmlAttrValue ($attrid, $target="_self", $htmllink=2, $index=-1, $entities=true, $abstract=false) | |
getTextualAttrValue ($attrId, $index=-1, Array $configuration=array()) | |
getOooAttrValue ($attrid, $target="_self", $htmllink=false, $index=-1) | |
getOooValue ($oattr, $value, $target="_self", $htmllink=false, $index=-1) | |
control ($aclname, $strict=false) | |
hasPermission ($aclName, $strict=false) | |
controlUser ($uid, $aclname) | |
isAlive () | |
sqlTrigger ($onlydrop=false, $code=false) | |
getSqlIndex () | |
getZoneFile ($zone) | |
getZoneOption ($zone="") | |
getZoneTransform ($zone="") | |
setDefaultValues ($tdefval, $method=true, $forcedefault=false) | |
setNameAuto ($temporary=false) | |
getMainPath () | |
viewDoc ($layout="FDL:VIEWBODYCARD", $target="_self", $ulink=true, $abstract=false, $changelayout=false) | |
viewdefaultcard ($target="_self", $ulink=true, $abstract=false, $viewhidden=false) | |
viewthumbcard ($target="finfo", $ulink=true, $abstract=true) | |
viewproperties ($target="finfo", $ulink=true, $abstract=true) | |
viewabstractcard ($target="finfo", $ulink=true, $abstract=false) | |
viewattr ($target="_self", $ulink=true, $abstract=false, $viewhidden=false) | |
viewprop ($target="_self", $ulink=true, $abstract=false) | |
setLogicalIdentificator ($name, $reset=false) | |
setLogicalName ($name, $reset=false, $verifyOnly=false) | |
viewoptcard ($target="_self", $ulink=true, $abstract=false) | |
editoptcard ($target="_self", $ulink=true, $abstract=false) | |
editbodycard ($target="_self", $ulink=true, $abstract=false, $onlyopt=false) | |
editattr ($withtd=true) | |
setFamidInLayout () | |
vault_filename ($attrid, $path=false, $index=-1) | |
vault_filename_fromvalue ($fileid, $path=false) | |
vault_properties (NormalAttribute $attr) | |
getFileInfo ($filesvalue, $key="", $returnType="array") | |
exportXml (&$xml, $withfile=false, $outfile="", $wident=true, $flat=false, $exportAttributes=array()) | |
toxml ($withdtd=false, $id_doc="") | |
todtd () | |
getCustomTitle () | |
getSpecTitle () | |
refreshDocTitle ($nameId, $nameTitle) | |
getEmblem ($size=null) | |
nothing ($a="", $b="", $c="") | |
getParam ($param, $defv="") | |
getLastTitle ($id="-1", $def="") | |
getTitle ($id="-1", $def="", $latest=false) | |
getHTMLTitle ($id="-1", $def="", $latest=false) | |
getDocValue ($docid, $attrid, $def=" ", $latest=false) | |
getDocProp ($docid, $propid, $latest=false) | |
getMyAttribute ($idattr) | |
formatString ($fmt) | |
updateVaultIndex () | |
attachTimer (&$timer, $origin=null, $execdate=null) | |
unattachTimer (&$timer) | |
getAttachedTimers () | |
getDomainIds ($user=true, $folderName=false) | |
lockToDomain ($domainId, $userid=0) | |
getParentFolderIds () | |
updateDomains () | |
isInDomain ($user=true, $userId= '') | |
getHelpPage ($fromid="") | |
getSearchMethods ($attrId, $attrType= '') | |
isValidSearchMethod ($className, $methodName) | |
resolveDocIdLogicalNames (NormalAttribute &$oattr, $avalue, &$unknownLogicalNames=array(), &$knownLogicalNames=array()) | |
![]() | |
__construct ($dbaccess= '', $id= '', $res= '', $dbid=0) | |
isControlled () | |
unsetControl () | |
removeControl ($userid=-1) | |
setControl ($userctrl=true) | |
setProfil ($profid, $fromdocidvalues=null) | |
computeDProfil ($dprofid=0, $fromdocidvalues=null) | |
setViewProfil () | |
isRealProfile () | |
modifyControl ($uid, $aclname, $deletecontrol=false) | |
addControl ($uid, $aclname) | |
isExtendedAcl ($aclname) | |
delControl ($uid, $aclname) | |
setCvid ($cvid) | |
controlId ($docid, $aclname, $strict=false) | |
controlExtId ($docid, $aclname, $strict=false) | |
controlUserId ($docid, $uid, $aclname) | |
controlUp ($uperm, $aclname) | |
getUsersForAcl ($aclname) | |
recomputeProfiledDocument () | |
isDocLinked ($title, $docid) | |
isValidLink ($title, $docid) | |
canEditMenu () | |
controlAclAccess ($acl) | |
controlActifProfil () | |
profilIsActivate ($yes=true) | |
![]() | |
OrgInit () | |
UseLdap () | |
SetLdapParam () | |
getDNs () | |
setDNs ($ds, $tdn) | |
canUpdateLdapCard () | |
RefreshLdapCard () | |
DeleteLdapCard () | |
getLDAPDN ($rdn, $path="") | |
getMapAttributes () | |
ConvertToLdap () | |
getLDAPValue ($idattr, $index="") | |
ModifyLdapCard ($tinfoldap) | |
createLDAPDc ($ds, $n) | |
![]() | |
__construct ($dbaccess= '', $id= '', $res= '', $dbid=0) | |
Select ($id) | |
getValues () | |
affectColumn ($fields, $reset=true) | |
affect ($array, $more=false, $reset=true) | |
isAffected () | |
Complete () | |
preInsert () | |
postInsert () | |
preUpdate () | |
postUpdate () | |
preDelete () | |
postDelete () | |
preSelect ($id) | |
postSelect ($id) | |
Add ($nopost=false, $nopre=false) | |
modify ($nopost=false, $sfields="", $nopre=false) | |
delete ($nopost=false) | |
Adds (&$tcopy, $nopost=false) | |
lw ($prop) | |
CloseConnect () | |
Create ($nopost=false) | |
postInit () | |
init_dbid () | |
exec_query ($sql, $lvl=0, $prepare=false) | |
numrows () | |
fetch_array ($c, $type=PGSQL_ASSOC) | |
update () | |
setError ($moreerr= '') | |
autoUpdate () | |
savePoint ($point) | |
lockPoint ($exclusiveLock, $exclusiveLockPrefix= '') | |
setMasterLock ($useLock) | |
rollbackPoint ($point) | |
commitPoint ($point) | |
Static Public Member Functions | |
static | seemsMethod ($method) |
static | rawValueToArray ($v) |
static | _val2array ($v) |
static | arrayToRawValue ($v, $br= '< BR >') |
static | _array2val ($v, $br= '< BR >') |
static | _cmpanswers ($a, $b) |
static | htmlEncode ($s) |
static | getDate ($daydelta=0, $dayhour="", $daymin="", $getlocale=false) |
static | getTimeDate ($hourdelta=0, $second=false) |
static | getUserName ($withfirst=false) |
static | userDocId () |
static | getUserId () |
static | getWhatUserId () |
static | getSystemUserId () |
static | parseZone ($zone) |
![]() | |
static | parseMail ($Email) |
static | isFutureDate ($date) |
static | isFloat ($x, $min=null, $max=null) |
static | isInteger ($x, $min=null, $max=null) |
static | isString ($x, $p) |
static | canExecute ($appname, $actname) |
Static Public Attributes | |
static | $infofields |
static | $sqlindex |
![]() | |
static | $savepoint = array() |
static | $lockpoint = array() |
static | $sqlStrict = null |
Protected Member Functions | |
getParameterFamilyRawValue ($idp, $def) | |
preAffect (array &$data, &$more, &$reset) | |
postAffect (array $data, $more, $reset) | |
specRefreshGenAttribute ($attrId, $callMethod) | |
noPrivilegeMessage (Doc &$doc, $aclname) | |
getCustomSearchValues () | |
![]() | |
tryCreate () | |
Protected Attributes | |
$svalues | |
$values | |
$attrids | |
Document Class
Definition at line 58 of file Class.Doc.php.
__toString | ( | ) |
display document main properties as string
Definition at line 776 of file Class.Doc.php.
static |
convert array value to flat attribute value
array | $v | |
string | $br |
Definition at line 6266 of file Class.Doc.php.
static |
to sort answer by response
string | $a | |
string | $b |
Definition at line 7524 of file Class.Doc.php.
static |
convert flat attribute value to an array for multiple attributes
string | $v | value |
Definition at line 6240 of file Class.Doc.php.
final |
add new row in an array attribute
the attribute must be an array type
string | $idAttr | identifier of array attribute |
array | $tv | values of each column. Array index must be the attribute identifier |
int | $index | $index row (first is 0) -1 at the end; x means before x row |
Definition at line 3425 of file Class.Doc.php.
final |
Add a application tag for the document if it is already set no set twice A application tag must not contains "\n" character
string | $tag | the tag to add |
Definition at line 4818 of file Class.Doc.php.
final |
Add a comment line in history document note : modify is call automatically
string | $comment | the comment to add |
int | $level | level of comment DocHisto::INFO, DocHisto::ERROR, DocHisto::NOTICE DocHisto::MESSAGE, DocHisto::WARNING |
string | $code | use when memorize notification |
string | $uid | user identifier : by default its the current user |
Definition at line 4747 of file Class.Doc.php.
final |
Add a comment line in history document note : modify is call automatically
string | $comment | the comment to add |
int | $level | level of comment DocHisto::INFO, DocHisto::ERROR, DocHisto::NOTICE DocHisto::MESSAGE, DocHisto::WARNING |
string | $code | use when memorize notification |
string | $uid | user identifier : by default its the current user |
Definition at line 4707 of file Class.Doc.php.
final |
Add a log entry line in log document
string | $comment | the comment to add |
string | $level | level of comment |
string | $code | use when memorize notification |
string | $arg | serialized object |
string | $uid | user identifier : by default its the current user |
Definition at line 4762 of file Class.Doc.php.
final |
declare a dependance between several attributes
string | $in | attributes id use for compute $out attributes separates by commas |
string | $out | attributes id calculated by $in attributes separates by commas |
Definition at line 5902 of file Class.Doc.php.
final |
Create a new revision of a document the current document is revised (became a fixed document) a new revision is created, a new identifier if set
string | $comment | the comment of the revision |
Definition at line 5250 of file Class.Doc.php.
final |
Add a user tag for the document if it is already set no set twice
int | $uid | the system user identifier |
string | $tag | the key tag |
string | $datas | a comment or a value for the tag |
bool | $allrevision | set to false if attach a tag to a specific version |
Definition at line 4880 of file Class.Doc.php.
final |
Adaptation of affect Method from DbObj because of inheritance table this function is call from QueryDb and all fields can not be instanciate
array | $array | the data array |
bool | $more | add values from values attributes needed only if cast document |
bool | $reset | reset all values before set and clean private variables |
Definition at line 1856 of file Class.Doc.php.
final |
allocate document
affect a document to a user
int | $userid | the system identifier of the user to affect |
string | $comment | message for allocation |
bool | $revision | if false no revision are made |
bool | $autolock | if false no lock are made |
Definition at line 5722 of file Class.Doc.php.
final |
apply a method to a doc specified like ::getFoo(10)
string | $method | the method to apply |
string | $def | default value if no method |
int | $index | index in case of value in row |
array | $bargs | first arguments sent before for the method |
array | $mapArgs | indexed array to add more possibilities to map arguments |
string | $err | error message |
Definition at line 4511 of file Class.Doc.php.
final |
Put document in an archive
\Dcp\Family\ARCHIVING | $archive | the archive document |
Definition at line 5564 of file Class.Doc.php.
static |
convert array value to flat attribute value
array | $v | |
string | $br |
Definition at line 6252 of file Class.Doc.php.
askIsCompleted | ( | ) |
all ask are answer ?
Definition at line 5079 of file Class.Doc.php.
final |
attach timer to a document
\Dcp\Family\TIMER | &$timer | the timer document |
Doc | &$origin | the document which comes from the attachement |
string | $execdate | date to execute first action YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS |
Definition at line 9062 of file Class.Doc.php.
canEdit | ( | $verifyDomain = true | ) |
test if the document can be modified by the current user the document is not need to be locked
bool | $verifyDomain |
Definition at line 1364 of file Class.Doc.php.
canLock | ( | ) |
Definition at line 1404 of file Class.Doc.php.
final |
test if the document can be locked it is not locked before, and the current user can edit document
Definition at line 1395 of file Class.Doc.php.
canUnLock | ( | ) |
Definition at line 1412 of file Class.Doc.php.
final |
test if the document can be unlocked
Definition at line 1422 of file Class.Doc.php.
final |
test if the document can be revised now it must be locked by the current user
Definition at line 1266 of file Class.Doc.php.
final |
Set a free state to the document for the document without workflow a new revision is created
string | $newstateid | the document id of the state (FREESTATE family) |
string | $comment | the comment of the state change |
bool | $revision | if false no revision are made |
Definition at line 5264 of file Class.Doc.php.
final |
change icon for a class or a simple doc
string | $icon | basename icon file |
Definition at line 5847 of file Class.Doc.php.
final |
delete all attributes values of an array
the attribute must be an array type
string | $idAttr | identifier of array attribute |
Definition at line 3480 of file Class.Doc.php.
final |
delete a value of an attribute
string | $attrid | attribute identifier |
Definition at line 4409 of file Class.Doc.php.
complete | ( | ) |
Definition at line 1905 of file Class.Doc.php.
final |
in case of array where each column are not the same length
the attribute must an array type fill uncomplete column with null values
string | $idAttr | identifier of array attribute |
bool | $deleteLastEmptyRows | by default empty rows which are in the end are deleted |
Definition at line 3355 of file Class.Doc.php.
control | ( | $aclname, | |
$strict = false |
) |
Control Access privilege for document for current user
string | $aclname | identifier of the privilege to test |
bool | $strict | set tio true to test without notion of account susbstitute |
Definition at line 6593 of file Class.Doc.php.
controlUser | ( | $uid, | |
$aclname | |||
) |
Control Access privilege for document for other user
int | $uid | user identifier |
string | $aclname | identifier of the privilege to test |
Definition at line 6632 of file Class.Doc.php.
final |
convert to another family loose all revisions
int | $fromid | family identifier where the document will be converted |
array | $prevalues | values which will be added before conversion |
Definition at line 1200 of file Class.Doc.php.
convertVaultFile | ( | $va, | |
$engine, | |||
$isimage = false |
) |
send a request to TE to convert files update $attrid_txt table column waiting end of conversion
string | $va | value of file attribute like mime|vid|name |
string | $engine | the name of transformation |
bool | $isimage | set true if it is an image (error returns is not same) |
Definition at line 2615 of file Class.Doc.php.
return the copy (duplication) of the document the copy is created to the database the profil of the copy is the default profil according to his family the copy is not locked and if it is related to a workflow, his state is the first state
bool | $temporary | if true the document create it as temporary document |
bool | $control | if false don't control acl create (generaly use when temporary is true) |
bool | $linkfld | if true and document is a folder then document included in folder are also inserted in the copy (are not duplicated) just linked |
bool | $copyfile | if true duplicate files of the document |
Definition at line 5423 of file Class.Doc.php.
final |
use for duplicate physicaly the file
string | $idattr | identifier of file attribute |
string | $newname | basename if want change name of file |
int | $index | in case of array |
Definition at line 4101 of file Class.Doc.php.
final |
Delete a application tag for the document
string | $tag | the tag to delete |
Definition at line 4855 of file Class.Doc.php.
Set the document to zombie state For the user the document is in the trash
bool | $really | if true really delete from database |
bool | $control | if false don't control 'delete' acl |
bool | $nopost | if true don't call Doc::postDelete and Doc::preDelete |
Definition at line 1695 of file Class.Doc.php.
final |
delete all attributes values of an array
the attribute must be an array type
string | $idAttr | identifier of array attribute |
Definition at line 3508 of file Class.Doc.php.
final |
final |
delete a value of an attribute
string | $attrid | attribute identifier |
Definition at line 4431 of file Class.Doc.php.
final |
Remove a user tag for the document if it is already set no set twice
int | $uid | the system user identifier |
string | $tag | the tag to add |
bool | $allrevision | set to false to del a tag to a specific version |
Definition at line 4960 of file Class.Doc.php.
final |
Remove all user tag for the document
int | $uid | the system user identifier |
Definition at line 4979 of file Class.Doc.php.
description | ( | ) |
Definition at line 1945 of file Class.Doc.php.
final |
disable edit control for setValue/modify/store the document can be modified without testing edit acl
Definition at line 1146 of file Class.Doc.php.
return the copy (duplication) of the document the copy is created to the database the profil of the copy is the default profil according to his family the copy is not locked and if it is related to a workflow, his state is the first state
bool | $temporary | if true the document create it as temporary document |
bool | $control | if false don't control acl create (generaly use when temporary is true) |
bool | $linkfld | if true and document is a folder then document included in folder are also inserted in the copy (are not duplicated) just linked |
bool | $copyfile | if true duplicate files of the document |
Definition at line 5440 of file Class.Doc.php.
duplicateFiles | ( | ) |
Duplicate physically all files of documents
Definition at line 4286 of file Class.Doc.php.
final |
add V_<<ATTRID> keys for HTML form in current layout add also L_<ATTRID> for attribute labels create input fields for attribute document
bool | $withtd | set to false if don't wan't |
tag in the middle bet<een fields and button
Definition at line 8129 of file Class.Doc.php.
value for edit interface default control for HTML form document edition
string | $target | |
bool | $ulink | |
bool | $abstract | |
bool | $onlyopt | if true only optional attributes are displayed |
\Dcp\Core\Exception |
Definition at line 7900 of file Class.Doc.php.
final |
edit only option
string | $target | |
bool | $ulink | |
bool | $abstract |
Definition at line 7886 of file Class.Doc.php.
final |
default edit control enable restore control which are disabled by disableEditControl
Definition at line 1157 of file Class.Doc.php.
final |
verify if attribute equals $b to be use in constraint
string | $a | attribute identifier |
string | $b | value |
Definition at line 2777 of file Class.Doc.php.
exportXml | ( | & | $xml, |
$withfile = false , |
$outfile = "" , |
$wident = true , |
$flat = false , |
$exportAttributes = array() |
) |
string | &$xml | content xml (empty if $outfile is not empty |
boolean | $withfile | include files in base64 encoded |
string | $outfile | if not empty means content is put into this file |
bool | $wident | set true to ident xml |
bool | $flat | set to true if don't want structure |
array | $exportAttributes | to export only a part of attributes |
Definition at line 8284 of file Class.Doc.php.
formatString | ( | $fmt | ) |
concatenate and format string to be use in computed attribute
string | $fmt | like sprintf format |
Definition at line 9004 of file Class.Doc.php.
final |
return all the attributes object for abstract the attribute can be defined in fathers
Definition at line 2430 of file Class.Doc.php.
final |
final |
return the array of values for an array attribute
the attribute must an array type
string | $idAttr | identifier of array attribute |
int | $index | the values for $index row (default value -1 means all values) |
Definition at line 3292 of file Class.Doc.php.
final |
Return true if application tag is present
string | $tag | the tag to search |
Definition at line 4844 of file Class.Doc.php.
final |
return all activated document timer
Definition at line 9169 of file Class.Doc.php.
final |
return the attribute object for a id the attribute can be defined in fathers
string | $idAttr | attribute identifier |
BasicAttribute | &$oa | object reference use this if want to modify attribute |
bool | $useMask | set to false to not apply mask if needed (quick access mode) |
Definition at line 2152 of file Class.Doc.php.
final |
return all the attributes object the attribute can be defined in fathers
bool | $useMask | set to false to not apply mask if needed (quick access mode) |
Definition at line 2174 of file Class.Doc.php.
final |
return the array of values for an array attribute
the attribute must an array type
string | $idAttr | identifier of array attribute |
int | $index | the values for $index row (default value -1 means all values) |
Definition at line 3278 of file Class.Doc.php.
final |
Return array of child family raw documents
int | $id | if -1 use child for current document else for the family identifier set |
bool | $controlcreate | set to true to not return documents which cannot be created by current user |
Definition at line 1984 of file Class.Doc.php.
getCurSequence | ( | ) |
get current sequence number :: number of doc for this family
Definition at line 1112 of file Class.Doc.php.
protected |
Definition at line 9695 of file Class.Doc.php.
getCustomTitle | ( | ) |
define custom title used to set title propert when update or create document
Definition at line 8610 of file Class.Doc.php.
static |
return the today date with european format DD/MM/YYYY
int | $daydelta | to have the current date more or less day (-1 means yesterday, 1 tomorrow) |
int | string | $dayhour | hours of day |
int | string | $daymin | minutes of day |
bool | $getlocale | whether to return locale date or not |
Definition at line 8783 of file Class.Doc.php.
final |
return an html anchor to a document
int | $id | identifier of document |
string | $target | window target |
bool | $htmllink | must be true else return nothing |
bool | string | $title | should we override default title |
bool | $js | should we add a javascript contextual menu |
string | $docrev | style of link (default:latest, other values: fixed or state(xxx)) |
bool | $viewIcon | set to true to have icon in html link |
Definition at line 6348 of file Class.Doc.php.
final |
return value of an property for the document referenced
int | $docid | document identifier |
string | $propid | property identifier |
bool | $latest | always last revision of document if true |
Definition at line 8920 of file Class.Doc.php.
final |
Return the related value by linked attributes starting from referenced document.
Can be used to retrieve a value by traversing multiple docid.
For example,
is a shortcut for
int | $docid | document identifier |
string | $attrid | attributes identifier chain (separated by ':') |
string | $def | $def default return value |
bool | $latest | always last revision of document |
Definition at line 8870 of file Class.Doc.php.
final |
return similar documents
string | $key1 | first attribute id to perform search |
string | $key2 | second attribute id to perform search |
Definition at line 1592 of file Class.Doc.php.
getDomainIds | ( | $user = true , |
$folderName = false |
) |
get all domains where document is attached by current user
boolean | $user | is set to false list all domains (independant of current user) |
boolean | $folderName | is set to true append also folder name |
Definition at line 9187 of file Class.Doc.php.
getEmblem | ( | $size = null | ) |
get filename image emblem for the doc like lock/nowrite
int | $size | image width in pixel |
Definition at line 8645 of file Class.Doc.php.
return list of attribut which can be exported
bool | $withfile | true if export also file attribute |
bool | $forcedefault | if true preference FREEDOM_EXPORTCOLS are not read |
Definition at line 2787 of file Class.Doc.php.
final |
return the family document where the document comes from
Definition at line 1472 of file Class.Doc.php.
final |
return the family document where the document comes from
Definition at line 1482 of file Class.Doc.php.
getFamilyParameterValue | ( | $idp, | |
$def = "" |
) |
return family parameter
string | $idp | parameter identifier |
string | $def | default value if parameter not found or if it is null |
Definition at line 1538 of file Class.Doc.php.
final |
use for system purpose prefer ::getFromDoc instead
Definition at line 1955 of file Class.Doc.php.
final |
final |
return all the attributes object for abstract the attribute can be defined in fathers
bool | $onlyfile | set to true if don't want images |
Definition at line 2528 of file Class.Doc.php.
final |
return a property of vault file value
string | $filesvalue | the file value : like application/pdf|12345 |
string | $key | one of property id_file, name, size, public_access, mime_t, mime_s, cdate, mdate, adate, teng_state, teng_lname, teng_vid, teng_comment, path |
string | $returnType | if "array" return indexed array else return VaultFileInfo object |
Definition at line 8253 of file Class.Doc.php.
getFileLink | ( | $attrid, | |
$index = - 1 , |
$cache = false , |
$inline = false , |
$otherValue = '' , |
$info = null |
) |
return an url to download for file attribute
string | $attrid | attribute identifier |
int | $index | set to row rank if it is in array else use -1 |
bool | $cache | set to true if file may be persistent in client cache |
bool | $inline | set to true if file must be displayed in web browser |
string | $otherValue | use another file value instead of attribute value |
VaultFileInfo | $info | extra file info |
Definition at line 6293 of file Class.Doc.php.
final |
return files properties of file attributes
Definition at line 2543 of file Class.Doc.php.
final |
return the first attribute of type 'file' false if no file
Definition at line 4691 of file Class.Doc.php.
getFreedomFromTitle | ( | $title | ) |
search the first document from its title
string | $title | the title to search (must be exactly the same title) |
Definition at line 1496 of file Class.Doc.php.
final |
Return array of fathers doc id : class document
Definition at line 1974 of file Class.Doc.php.
getHelpPage | ( | $fromid = "" | ) |
Get the helppage document associated to the document family.
string | $fromid | get the helppage for this family id (default is the family of the current document) |
Definition at line 9392 of file Class.Doc.php.
getHisto | ( | $allrev = false , |
$code = "" , |
$limit = 0 |
) |
Get history for the document
bool | $allrev | set true if want for all revision |
string | $code | code filter |
int | $limit | limit of items returned |
Definition at line 4798 of file Class.Doc.php.
final |
return an html anchor to a document
string | $attrid | attribute identifier |
string | $target | html target in case of link |
int | $htmllink | |
$index | ||
bool | $entities | |
bool | $abstract |
Definition at line 6489 of file Class.Doc.php.
getHTMLTitle | ( | $id = "-1" , |
$def = "" , |
$latest = false |
) |
Same as ::getTitle() the < & > characters as replace by entities
string | $id | docuemnt identifier to set else use current document title |
string | $def | default value if document not found |
bool | $latest | force use latest revision of document |
Definition at line 8754 of file Class.Doc.php.
final |
return HTML formated value of an attribute
NormalAttribute | $oattr | |
string | $value | raw value |
string | $target | html target in case of link |
bool | $htmllink | |
int | $index | |
bool | $entities | |
bool | $abstract |
Definition at line 6457 of file Class.Doc.php.
final |
return icon url if no icon found return doc.png
string | $idicon | |
int | $size | width size |
Definition at line 5817 of file Class.Doc.php.
final |
return all the attributes object for import
Definition at line 2822 of file Class.Doc.php.
final |
return all the attributes object for to e use in edition the attribute can be defined in fathers
bool | $onlyopt | deprecated arguments |
Definition at line 2497 of file Class.Doc.php.
final |
return the string label text for a id (label depends of current user locale)
string | $idAttr | attribute identifier |
Definition at line 2091 of file Class.Doc.php.
final |
return title of document in latest revision
string | $id | identifier of document |
string | $def | default value if document not found |
Definition at line 8702 of file Class.Doc.php.
get Latest Id of document
bool | $fixed | if true latest fixed revision |
bool | $forcequery | if true force recompute of id (use it in case of modification by another program) |
Definition at line 2045 of file Class.Doc.php.
getLatestIdWithAsk | ( | ) |
return the latest document id in history of a document which has ask
Definition at line 5091 of file Class.Doc.php.
getMainPath | ( | ) |
Return the main path relation list of prelid properties (primary relation) the first item is the direct parent, the second:the grand-parent , etc.
Definition at line 6960 of file Class.Doc.php.
getMenuAttributes | ( | $viewhidden = false | ) |
Return all the attributes object for popup menu the attribute can be defined in fathers
bool | $viewhidden | set to true if need all defined menu (hidden also) |
Definition at line 2704 of file Class.Doc.php.
final |
return all values of a multiple value attribute
string | $idAttr | identifier of list attribute |
string | $def | default value returned if attribute not found or if is empty |
int | $index | the values for $index row (default value -1 means all values) |
Definition at line 3240 of file Class.Doc.php.
final |
return a specific attribute of the current user document
string | $idattr | attribute identifier |
Definition at line 8992 of file Class.Doc.php.
final |
return all the necessary attributes
bool | $parameters | set to true if want parameters instead of attributes |
Definition at line 2720 of file Class.Doc.php.
final |
return all the attributes except frame & menu & action
boolean | $onlyopt | get only optional attributes |
Definition at line 2387 of file Class.Doc.php.
final |
return the previous value for a attibute set before Doc::SetValue can be used in Doc::postModify generaly
string | $attrid | attribute identifier |
Definition at line 4375 of file Class.Doc.php.
final |
return all modified values from last modify
Definition at line 4397 of file Class.Doc.php.
final |
return the previous value for a attibute set before Doc::SetValue can be used in Doc::postStore generaly
string | $attrid | attribute identifier |
Definition at line 4362 of file Class.Doc.php.
final |
return all modified values from last modify
Definition at line 4387 of file Class.Doc.php.
final |
get value for open document text template
string | $attrid | attribute identifier |
string | $target | unused |
bool | $htmllink | unused |
int | $index | index rank in case of multiple attribute value |
Definition at line 6528 of file Class.Doc.php.
final |
return open document text format for attribute value
NormalAttribute | $oattr | |
string | $value | |
string | $target | unused |
bool | $htmllink | unused |
int | $index | index rank in case of multiple attribute value |
Definition at line 6548 of file Class.Doc.php.
final |
return application parameter value
string | $param | parameter |
string | $defv | default return value |
Definition at line 8686 of file Class.Doc.php.
final |
return all the parameters definition for its family the attribute can be defined in fathers
Definition at line 2515 of file Class.Doc.php.
protected |
getParamValue | ( | $idp, | |
$def = "" |
) |
return family parameter
string | $idp | parameter identifier |
string | $def | default value if parameter not found or if it is null |
Definition at line 1522 of file Class.Doc.php.
getParentFolderIds | ( | ) |
return folder where document is set into
Definition at line 9262 of file Class.Doc.php.
final |
return all the attributes that can be use in profil
Definition at line 2469 of file Class.Doc.php.
final |
return the property value like id, initid, revision, ...
string | $prop | property identifier |
Definition at line 2103 of file Class.Doc.php.
final |
return the property value like id, initid, revision, ...
string | $prop | property identifier |
Definition at line 2114 of file Class.Doc.php.
final |
return the raw value (database value) of an attribute document
string | $idAttr | attribute identifier |
string | $def | default value returned if attribute not found or if is empty |
Definition at line 3117 of file Class.Doc.php.
getRefreshVisibility | ( | ) |
compute new visibility with depended attributes
Definition at line 5916 of file Class.Doc.php.
final |
return all revision documents
string | $type | LIST|TABLE il LIST return Doc object else if TABLE raw documents |
int | $limit | limit of revision (by default the 200 latest revisions) |
Definition at line 2013 of file Class.Doc.php.
final |
return the latest revision id with the indicated state For the user the document is in the trash
string | $state | wanted state |
bool | $fixed | set to true if not search in current state |
Definition at line 1620 of file Class.Doc.php.
getRssLink | ( | ) |
return an url to access of folder/search RSS in open mode authentication
Definition at line 6275 of file Class.Doc.php.
final |
Return the related value by linked attributes.
Can be used to retrieve a value by traversing multiple docid.
For example,
is a shortcut for
string | $RidAttr | attributes identifier chain (separated by ':') |
string | $def | $def default return value |
bool | $latest | always last revision of document |
bool | $html | return formated value for html |
Definition at line 4333 of file Class.Doc.php.
getSearchMethods | ( | $attrId, | |
$attrType = '' |
) |
Get the list of compatible search methods for a given attribute type
string | $attrId | attribute name |
string | $attrType | empty string to returns all methods or attribute type (e.g. 'date', 'docid', 'docid("IUSER")', etc.) to restrict search to methods supporting this type |
Definition at line 9413 of file Class.Doc.php.
getSortAttributes | ( | ) |
return all the attributes which can be sorted
Definition at line 2856 of file Class.Doc.php.
getSpecTitle | ( | ) |
define custom title used to set title propert when update or create document
Definition at line 8619 of file Class.Doc.php.
final |
add specials SQL indexes
Definition at line 6766 of file Class.Doc.php.
getState | ( | ) |
return the state of a document if document has workflow it is the key if document state is a free state it is the name of the state
Definition at line 5341 of file Class.Doc.php.
final |
return the action associated for the state of a document if document has workflow : the action label description if document state is a free state : state description
string | $def | default activity is activity is empty |
Definition at line 5383 of file Class.Doc.php.
getStateColor | ( | $def = "" | ) |
return the color associated for the state of a document if document has workflow : the color state if document state is a free state the color
string | $def | default color if state not found or color is empty |
Definition at line 5359 of file Class.Doc.php.
final |
return state label if ficed document else activity label if not activity return state
Definition at line 5404 of file Class.Doc.php.
static |
return system user id
Definition at line 8981 of file Class.Doc.php.
final |
Get a textual representation of the content of an attribute
string | $attrId | logical name of the attr |
$index | ||
array | $configuration | value config array : dateFormat => 'US' 'ISO', decimalSeparator => '.', multipleSeparator => array(0 => 'arrayLine', 1 => 'multiple') (defaultValue : dateFormat : 'US', decimalSeparator : '.', multiple => array(0 => "\n", 1 => ", ")) |
Definition at line 6511 of file Class.Doc.php.
final |
get text value from $attrid file attribute
get content of a file (must be an ascii file)
string | $attrid | identifier of file attribute |
string | &$text | the content of the file |
VaultFileInfo $info
Definition at line 3979 of file Class.Doc.php.
static |
return the today date and time with european format DD/MM/YYYY HH:MM
int | $hourdelta | to have the current date more or less hour (-1 means one hour before, 1 one hour after) |
bool | $second | if true format DD/MM/YYYY HH:MM |
Definition at line 8826 of file Class.Doc.php.
final |
return title of document
string | $id | identifier of document (if not set use current document) |
string | $def | default value if document not found |
boolean | $latest | search title in latest revision |
Definition at line 8715 of file Class.Doc.php.
final |
return all the attributes object for title the attribute can be defined in fathers
Definition at line 2450 of file Class.Doc.php.
final |
return all values of a multiple value attribute
the attribute must be in an array or declared with multiple option
string | $idAttr | identifier of list attribute |
string | $def | default value returned if attribute not found or if is empty |
int | $index | the values for $index row (default value -1 means all values) |
Definition at line 3221 of file Class.Doc.php.
static |
alias for Doc::userDocId
Definition at line 8960 of file Class.Doc.php.
static |
return the current user display name
bool | $withfirst | if true compose first below last name |
Definition at line 8934 of file Class.Doc.php.
final |
Get current user tag specified
string | $tag | the tag to verify |
bool | $allrevision | set to false to get a tag to a specific version |
int | $uid | system user identifier |
\Dcp\Db\Exception |
Definition at line 4934 of file Class.Doc.php.
final |
return the value of an attribute document
string | $idAttr | attribute identifier |
string | $def | default value returned if attribute not found or if is empty |
Definition at line 3201 of file Class.Doc.php.
final |
final |
return all attribute values
Definition at line 3085 of file Class.Doc.php.
getVersion | ( | ) |
get version of document can be redefined by child document classes if needed
Definition at line 2072 of file Class.Doc.php.
static |
return system user id
Definition at line 8969 of file Class.Doc.php.
getZoneFile | ( | $zone | ) |
return the basename of template file
string | $zone | zone to parse |
Definition at line 6793 of file Class.Doc.php.
getZoneOption | ( | $zone = "" | ) |
return the character in third part of zone
string | $zone | APP:LAYOUT:OPTIONS |
Definition at line 6833 of file Class.Doc.php.
getZoneTransform | ( | $zone = "" | ) |
return the characters in fourth part of zone
string | $zone | APP:LAYOUT:OPTIONS |
Definition at line 6851 of file Class.Doc.php.
hasPermission | ( | $aclName, | |
$strict = false |
) |
Control Access privilege for document for current user
string | $aclName | identifier of the privilege to test |
bool | $strict | set tio true to test without notion of account susbstitute |
Definition at line 6621 of file Class.Doc.php.
final |
Test if current user has the user tag specified
string | $tag | the tag to verify |
bool | $allrevision | set to false to verify a tag to a specific version |
Definition at line 4913 of file Class.Doc.php.
final |
verify if has some files waiting conversion
Definition at line 2564 of file Class.Doc.php.
static |
the < > & characters as replace by entities
$s |
Definition at line 8765 of file Class.Doc.php.
init | ( | ) |
final |
verify that the document exists and is not in trash (not a zombie)
Definition at line 6647 of file Class.Doc.php.
isChanged | ( | ) |
return true if document has changed after setValue/clearValue calling
Definition at line 853 of file Class.Doc.php.
final |
verify if all needed attributes are set
Definition at line 2747 of file Class.Doc.php.
final |
test if the document is confidential
Definition at line 1462 of file Class.Doc.php.
isFixed | ( | ) |
verify if document is really fixed (verify in database)
Definition at line 5114 of file Class.Doc.php.
isInDomain | ( | $user = true , |
$userId = '' |
) |
verify is doc is set in a domain
boolean | $user | limit domains where user as set document |
string | $userId | another user's id else current user |
Definition at line 9300 of file Class.Doc.php.
final |
test if the document is locked
bool | $my | if true test if it is lock of current user |
Definition at line 1449 of file Class.Doc.php.
isRevisable | ( | ) |
to know if the document can be revised
Definition at line 1169 of file Class.Doc.php.
isValidSearchMethod | ( | $className, | |
$methodName | |||
) |
Check if a specific method from a specific class is a valid search method
string | object | $className | the class name |
string | $methodName | the method name |
Definition at line 9506 of file Class.Doc.php.
get Latest Id of document
bool | $fixed | if true latest fixed revision |
bool | $forcequery | if true force recompute of id (use it in case of modification by another program) |
Definition at line 2033 of file Class.Doc.php.
final |
lock document
the auto lock is unlocked when the user discard edition or when he's modify document
bool | $auto | if true it is a automatic lock due to an edition ( |
int | $userid | if set lock with another userid, the edit control will be disabled |
Definition at line 5637 of file Class.Doc.php.
lockToDomain | ( | $domainId, | |
$userid = 0 |
) |
attach lock to specific domain.
int | $domainId | domain identifier |
int | $userid | system user's id |
Definition at line 9215 of file Class.Doc.php.
nextSequence | ( | $fromid = 0 | ) |
set next sequence family
int | $fromid |
Definition at line 1129 of file Class.Doc.php.
protected |
Prevent displaying the document's title in the error message if the user has no 'view' privilege
Doc | $doc | |
$aclname |
Definition at line 6571 of file Class.Doc.php.
nothing | ( | $a = "" , |
$b = "" , |
$c = "" |
) |
use only for paramRefresh in attribute definition of a family
string | $a | |
string | $b | |
string | $c |
Definition at line 8672 of file Class.Doc.php.
static |
Parse a zone string "FOO:BAR[-1]:B:PDF?k1=v1,k2=v2" into an array:
array( 'fulllayout' => 'FOO:BAR[-1]:B:PDF', 'args' => 'k1=v1,k2=v2', 'argv' => array( 'k1' => 'v1', 'k2' => 'v2 ), 'app' => 'FOO', 'layout' => 'BAR', 'index' => '-1', 'modifier' => 'B', 'transform' => 'PDF' )
zone | string "APP:LAYOUT:etc." $zone |
Definition at line 9331 of file Class.Doc.php.
protected |
array | $data | data use to affect document values |
bool | $more | use "values" attribute in case of incomplete data |
bool | $reset | reset all values before set and clean private variables |
Definition at line 1927 of file Class.Doc.php.
postConstructor | ( | ) |
postCopy | ( | & | $copyfrom | ) |
call after copy document
Doc | $copyfrom |
Definition at line 5543 of file Class.Doc.php.
postCreated | ( | ) |
call in doc::postInsert method
Definition at line 2953 of file Class.Doc.php.
postDuplicate | ( | & | $copyfrom | ) |
call after copy document
Doc | $copyfrom |
Definition at line 5529 of file Class.Doc.php.
postImport | ( | array | $extra = array() | ) |
call when doc is imported after databases modification the error message will appeared like message
array | $extra | extra parameters |
Definition at line 2987 of file Class.Doc.php.
final |
Increment sequence of family and call to Doc::PostCreated send mail if workflow is attached to it affect profil
Definition at line 788 of file Class.Doc.php.
postModify | ( | ) |
no in postUpdate method :: call this only if real change (values)
Definition at line 2904 of file Class.Doc.php.
postRefresh | ( | ) |
post Refresh called when refresh document : when view, modify document - generally when access to the document a modify is done after if attributes are chahged
Definition at line 5969 of file Class.Doc.php.
postRevise | ( | ) |
call when doc is revised after new document is created the error message will appeared like message
Definition at line 3009 of file Class.Doc.php.
postRevive | ( | ) |
call when doc is revived after resurrection in database the error message will appeared like message
Definition at line 3052 of file Class.Doc.php.
postStore | ( | ) |
no in postUpdate method :: call this only if real change (values)
Definition at line 2913 of file Class.Doc.php.
postUndelete | ( | ) |
call when doc is revived after resurrection in database the error message will appeared like message
Definition at line 3030 of file Class.Doc.php.
postUpdate | ( | ) |
optimize for speed : memorize object for future use
Definition at line 995 of file Class.Doc.php.
protected |
array | $data | data use to affect document values |
bool | $more | use "values" attribute in case of incomplete data |
bool | $reset | reset all values before set and clean private variables |
Definition at line 1916 of file Class.Doc.php.
preConsultation | ( | ) |
called when user view a document FDL/fdl_card
Definition at line 2943 of file Class.Doc.php.
preCopy | ( | & | $copyfrom | ) |
call before copy document if return error message duplicate is aborted
Doc | $copyfrom |
Definition at line 5516 of file Class.Doc.php.
preCreated | ( | ) |
call in doc::add method if return message, creation is aborted
Definition at line 2964 of file Class.Doc.php.
PreDocDelete | ( | ) |
Control if the doc can be deleted private
Definition at line 1647 of file Class.Doc.php.
preDuplicate | ( | & | $copyfrom | ) |
call before copy document if return error message duplicate is aborted
Doc | $copyfrom | original document |
Definition at line 5502 of file Class.Doc.php.
preEdition | ( | ) |
called when user edit a document FDL/editcard
Definition at line 2934 of file Class.Doc.php.
preImport | ( | array | $extra = array() | ) |
call when doc is being imported before any modification if return non null string import will ne aborted
array | $extra | extra parameters |
Definition at line 2976 of file Class.Doc.php.
final |
set default values and creation date the access control is provided by {
Definition at line 864 of file Class.Doc.php.
preRefresh | ( | ) |
Special Refresh called when refresh document : when view, modify document - generally when access to the document
Definition at line 5946 of file Class.Doc.php.
preRevise | ( | ) |
call when doc is being revised before new document is created if return non null string revision will ne aborted
Definition at line 2998 of file Class.Doc.php.
preRevive | ( | ) |
call when doc is being undelete if return non null string undelete will ne aborted
Definition at line 3041 of file Class.Doc.php.
preStore | ( | ) |
call in beging store before constraint verification if error message is returned store is aborted and the message is returned by store method
Definition at line 2925 of file Class.Doc.php.
preUndelete | ( | ) |
call when doc is being undelete if return non null string undelete will ne aborted
Definition at line 3020 of file Class.Doc.php.
preUpdate | ( | ) |
Verify control edit
if Doc::disableEditControl() is call before control permission is desactivated if attribute values are changed the modification date is updated
Definition at line 932 of file Class.Doc.php.
static |
convert flat attribute value to an array for multiple attributes
use only for specific purpose. If need typed attributes use Doc::getAttribute()
string | $v | value |
Definition at line 6228 of file Class.Doc.php.
final |
Really delete document from database
bool | $nopost | set to true if no need tu call postDelete methods |
Definition at line 1663 of file Class.Doc.php.
final |
force recompute all file text transformation
string | $aid | file attribute identifier. If empty all files attributes will be reseted |
Definition at line 3890 of file Class.Doc.php.
final |
recompute all computed attribut and save the document in database if changes occurred
Definition at line 6018 of file Class.Doc.php.
final |
string | $nameId | |
$nameTitle |
Definition at line 8628 of file Class.Doc.php.
refreshRn | ( | ) |
Recompute file name in concordance with rn option
Definition at line 6040 of file Class.Doc.php.
final |
recompute the title from attribute values
Definition at line 2873 of file Class.Doc.php.
final |
Refresh all user tag for the document in case of revision
Definition at line 4991 of file Class.Doc.php.
regenerateTemplate | ( | $aid, | |
$index = - 1 |
) |
Regenerate the template referenced by an attribute
string | $aid | the name of the attribute holding the template |
int | $index | the value for $index row (default value -1 means all values) |
Definition at line 1021 of file Class.Doc.php.
final |
Regenerate all templates referenced by the document attributes
Definition at line 1068 of file Class.Doc.php.
final |
delete a row in an array attribute
the attribute must an array type
string | $idAttr | identifier of array attribute |
string | $index | $index row (first is 0) |
Definition at line 3328 of file Class.Doc.php.
final |
rename physicaly the file
string | $idattr | identifier of file attribute |
string | $newname | base name file |
int | $index | in case of array of files |
Definition at line 4139 of file Class.Doc.php.
resetConvertVaultFile | ( | $attrid, | |
$index | |||
) |
reset Conversion of file update $attrid_txt table column
string | $attrid | file attribute identifier |
int | $index | index in case of multiple attribute |
Definition at line 2584 of file Class.Doc.php.
resolveDocIdLogicalNames | ( | NormalAttribute & | $oattr, |
$avalue, | |||
& | $unknownLogicalNames = array() , |
& | $knownLogicalNames = array() |
) |
Parse a docid's single or multiple value and resolve logical name references
The function can report unknown logical names and can take an additional list of known logical names to not report
NormalAttribute | $oattr | |
string | $avalue | docid's raw value |
array | $unknownLogicalNames | Return list of unknown logical names |
array | $knownLogicalNames | List of known logical names that should not be reported as unknown in $unknownLogicalNames |
Definition at line 9559 of file Class.Doc.php.
final |
To restore a document which is in the trash
Definition at line 1783 of file Class.Doc.php.
save | ( | & | $info = null , |
$skipConstraint = false |
) |
save document if attribute are change not be use when modify properties only use with use of setValue.
stdClass | $info | refresh and postStore messages |
boolean | $skipConstraint | set to true to not test constraints |
Definition at line 1280 of file Class.Doc.php.
final |
search all user tag for the document
string | $tag | tag to search |
boolean | $allrevision | view tags for all revision |
boolean | $allusers | view tags of all users |
Definition at line 5008 of file Class.Doc.php.
static |
Definition at line 4495 of file Class.Doc.php.
final |
Set a value to a document's attribute the affectation is only in object. To set modification in database the Doc::store() method must be call after modification
string | $idAttr | attribute identifier |
mixed | $value | the new value - value format must be compatible with type |
Dcp\Exception |
Definition at line 3164 of file Class.Doc.php.
setChanged | ( | ) |
Definition at line 844 of file Class.Doc.php.
final |
set default values define in family document the format of the string which define default values is like [US_ROLE|director][US_SOCIETY|alwaysNet]...
array | $tdefval | the default values |
bool | $method | set to false if don't want interpreted values |
bool | $forcedefault | force default values |
\Dcp\Exception |
Definition at line 6873 of file Class.Doc.php.
final |
add IDFAM_<famNAme> keys in current layout
Definition at line 8157 of file Class.Doc.php.
final |
Store a file in a file attribute
string | $attrid | identifier of file attribute |
string | $filename | file path |
string | $ftitle | basename of file |
int | $index | only for array values affect value in a specific row |
Definition at line 4198 of file Class.Doc.php.
setLogicalIdentificator | ( | $name, | |
$reset = false |
) |
affect a logical name that can be use as unique reference of a document independant of database
string | $name | new logical name |
bool | $reset | set to true to accept change |
Definition at line 7807 of file Class.Doc.php.
Affect a logical name that can be use as unique reference of a document independant of database.
The logical name is affected only if it's not an empty string or NULL: if empty or NULL, then the affectation is silently bypassed.
string | $name | new logical name |
bool | $reset | set to true to accept change |
bool | $verifyOnly | if true only verify syntax and unicity |
Definition at line 7823 of file Class.Doc.php.
final |
set visibility mask
int | $mid | mask ident |
Definition at line 2235 of file Class.Doc.php.
final |
set default name reference if no name a new name will ne computed from its initid and family name the new name is set to name attribute
boolean | $temporary | compute a temporary logical name that will be deleted by the cleanContext API |
Definition at line 6937 of file Class.Doc.php.
final |
set state for a document controled by a workflow apply associated transaction
string | $newstate | the new state |
string | $comment | optional comment to set in history |
bool | $force | is true when it is the second passage (without interactivity) |
bool | $withcontrol | set to false if you want to not verify control permission ot transition |
bool | $wm1 | set to false if you want to not apply m1 methods |
bool | $wm2 | set to false if you want to not apply m2 methods |
bool | $wneed | set to false to not test required attributes |
bool | $wm0 | set to false if you want to not apply m0 methods |
bool | $wm3 | set to false if you want to not apply m3 methods |
string | $msg | return message from m2 or m3 |
Definition at line 5314 of file Class.Doc.php.
final |
affect text value in $attrid file attribute
create a new file in Vault to replace old file
string | $attrid | identifier of file attribute |
string | $value | new value for the attribute |
string | $ftitle | the name of file (if empty the same as before) |
Definition at line 3925 of file Class.Doc.php.
final |
set attribute title value the first value of type text use for title will be modify to have the new title
string | $title | new title |
Definition at line 3061 of file Class.Doc.php.
final |
affect value for $attrid attribute
the affectation is only in object. To set modification in database the store method must be call after modification If value is empty no modification are set. To reset a value use Doc::clearValue method. an array can be use as value for values which are in arrays
string | $attrid | attribute identifier |
string | $value | new value for the attribute |
int | $index | only for array values affect value in a specific row |
int | &$kvalue | in case of error the index of error (for arrays) |
Definition at line 3528 of file Class.Doc.php.
setWaskAnswer | ( | $waskid, | |
$answer | |||
) |
set a answer for a document for a ask (for current user)
int | $waskid | the identifier of wask |
string | $answer | new answer response |
Definition at line 5064 of file Class.Doc.php.
specRefresh | ( | ) |
Special Refresh called when refresh document : when view, modify document - generally when access to the document
Definition at line 5957 of file Class.Doc.php.
specRefreshGen | ( | $onlyspec = false | ) |
Special Refresh Generated automatically is defined in generated child classes
bool | $onlyspec |
Definition at line 5979 of file Class.Doc.php.
protected |
Special Refresh Generated for a single attribute
string | $attrId | Attribute's name |
string | $callMethod | Method to apply |
\Dcp\Exception |
Definition at line 5992 of file Class.Doc.php.
add several triggers to update different tables (such as docread) or attributes (such as values)
bool | $onlydrop | set to false for only drop triggers |
bool | $code |
Definition at line 6657 of file Class.Doc.php.
store | ( | & | $info = null , |
$skipConstraint = false |
) |
record new document or update
storeInfo | $info | refresh and postStore messages |
boolean | $skipConstraint | set to true to not test constraints |
Definition at line 1308 of file Class.Doc.php.
final |
store new file in an file attribute
string | $attrid | identifier of file attribute |
string | $filename | file path |
string | $ftitle | basename of file |
int | $index | only for array values affect value in a specific row |
Definition at line 4233 of file Class.Doc.php.
final |
store multiples new files in an file array attribute
string | $attrid | identifier of file attribute |
array | $filenames | file path |
array | string | $ftitle | basename of file |
Definition at line 4249 of file Class.Doc.php.
final |
Return the tag object for the document
Dcp\Exception |
Definition at line 2127 of file Class.Doc.php.
final |
Definition at line 8466 of file Class.Doc.php.
final |
bool | $withdtd | |
string | $id_doc |
Definition at line 8316 of file Class.Doc.php.
final |
copy values from anothers document (must be same family or descendant)
Doc | &$from | document source for the transfert |
Definition at line 1183 of file Class.Doc.php.
final |
final |
unallocate document
unaffect a document to a user only the allocated user can unallocate and also users which has unlock acl
string | $comment | message for unallocation |
bool | $revision | if false no revision are made |
Definition at line 5778 of file Class.Doc.php.
final |
Delete document in an archive
\Dcp\Family\ARCHIVING | $archive | the archive document |
Definition at line 5598 of file Class.Doc.php.
final |
unattach timer of a document
\Dcp\Family\TIMER | &$timer | the timer document |
Definition at line 9094 of file Class.Doc.php.
final |
To restore a document which is in the trash
Definition at line 1794 of file Class.Doc.php.
unlock document
the automatic unlock is done only if the lock has been set automatically also the explicit unlock, unlock in all case (if CanUnLockFile)
bool | $auto | if true it is a automatic unlock |
bool | $force | if true no control oif can unlock |
Definition at line 5682 of file Class.Doc.php.
updateDomains | ( | ) |
update Domain list
Definition at line 9271 of file Class.Doc.php.
updateRelations | ( | $force = false | ) |
Set relation doc id use on docrel table
bool | $force | true to reinit all relations |
Definition at line 1100 of file Class.Doc.php.
updateVaultIndex | ( | ) |
update internal vault index relation table Delete temporary file property
Definition at line 9024 of file Class.Doc.php.
final |
replace % tag of a link attribute
string | $link | url to analyze |
int | $k | index |
Definition at line 6082 of file Class.Doc.php.
urlWhatEncodeSpec | ( | $l | ) |
virtual method must be use in child families if needed complete url
string | $l | url to encode |
Definition at line 6215 of file Class.Doc.php.
static |
return the user document identifier associated to the current account
Definition at line 8944 of file Class.Doc.php.
final |
get vault file name or server path of filename
string | $attrid | identifier of file attribute |
bool | $path | false return original file name (basename) , true the real path |
int | $index | in case of array of files |
Definition at line 8176 of file Class.Doc.php.
final |
get vault file name or server path of filename
string | $fileid | value of file attribute |
bool | $path | false return original file name (basename) , true the real path |
Definition at line 8188 of file Class.Doc.php.
final |
get vault file name or server path of filename
NormalAttribute | $attr | identifier of file attribute |
Definition at line 8224 of file Class.Doc.php.
final |
Register (store) a file in the vault and return the file's vault's informations
string | $filename | the file pathname |
string | $ftitle | override the stored file name or empty string to keep the original file name |
VaultFileInfo | $info | the vault's informations for the stored file or null if could not get informations |
\Exception | on error |
Definition at line 4173 of file Class.Doc.php.
final |
verify if constraint ore OK
boolean | $stoptofirst | stop in first constraint error |
array | &$info | set of information about constraint test |
Definition at line 4645 of file Class.Doc.php.
final |
verify attribute constraint
string | $attrid | attribute identifier |
int | $index | index in case of multiple values |
Definition at line 4600 of file Class.Doc.php.
viewabstractcard | ( | $target = "finfo" , |
$ulink = true , |
$abstract = false |
) |
controller for abstract view write layout for abstract view
string | $target | |
bool | $ulink | |
bool | $abstract |
Definition at line 7644 of file Class.Doc.php.
set V_<attrid> and L_<attrid> keys for current layout the keys are in uppercase letters
string | $target | HTML target for links |
bool | $ulink | set to true to have HTML hyperlink when it is possible |
bool | $abstract | set to true to restrict to abstract attributes |
bool | $viewhidden | set to true to return also hidden attribute (visibility H) |
Definition at line 7695 of file Class.Doc.php.
default construct layout for view card containt
default controller view
string | $target | window target name for hyperlink destination |
bool | $ulink | if false hyperlink are not generated |
bool | $abstract | if true only abstract attribute are generated |
bool | $viewhidden | if true view also hidden attributes |
Definition at line 7099 of file Class.Doc.php.
final |
generate HTML code for view doc
string | $layout | layout to use to view document |
string | $target | window target name for hyperlink destination |
bool | $ulink | if false hyperlink are not generated |
bool | $abstract | if true only abstract attribute are generated |
bool | $changelayout | if true the internal layout ($this->lay) will be replace by the new layout |
Exception |
Definition at line 6994 of file Class.Doc.php.
final |
view only option values
string | $target | |
bool | $ulink | |
bool | $abstract |
Definition at line 7872 of file Class.Doc.php.
final |
set properties keys in current layout the keys are in uppercase letters produce alse V_TITLE key to have a HTML link to document (for HTML layout)
string | $target | |
bool | $ulink | for the V_TITLE key |
bool | $abstract | unused |
Definition at line 7781 of file Class.Doc.php.
viewproperties | ( | $target = "finfo" , |
$ulink = true , |
$abstract = true |
) |
controller to view document properties write layout for properties view
string | $target | |
bool | $ulink | |
bool | $abstract |
Definition at line 7535 of file Class.Doc.php.
viewthumbcard | ( | $target = "finfo" , |
$ulink = true , |
$abstract = true |
) |
write layout for thumb view controller for thumb view (used in mail link)
string | $target | |
bool | $ulink | |
bool | $abstract |
Definition at line 7425 of file Class.Doc.php.
$acls = array() |
Definition at line 651 of file Class.Doc.php.
$adate |
Definition at line 436 of file Class.Doc.php.
$allocated |
Definition at line 523 of file Class.Doc.php.
$archiveid |
Definition at line 529 of file Class.Doc.php.
$atags |
Definition at line 499 of file Class.Doc.php.
$attributes = null |
Definition at line 583 of file Class.Doc.php.
protected |
Definition at line 551 of file Class.Doc.php.
$cdate |
Definition at line 431 of file Class.Doc.php.
$classname |
Definition at line 446 of file Class.Doc.php.
$comment |
Definition at line 441 of file Class.Doc.php.
$confidential |
Definition at line 511 of file Class.Doc.php.
$cvid |
Definition at line 465 of file Class.Doc.php.
$cviews |
Definition at line 568 of file Class.Doc.php.
$dbtable = "doc" |
Definition at line 611 of file Class.Doc.php.
$defaultabstract = "FDL:VIEWABSTRACTCARD" |
Definition at line 732 of file Class.Doc.php.
$defaultcreate = "" |
Definition at line 737 of file Class.Doc.php.
$defaultedit = "FDL:EDITBODYCARD" |
Definition at line 727 of file Class.Doc.php.
$defaultmview = "" |
Definition at line 742 of file Class.Doc.php.
$defaultview = "FDL:VIEWBODYCARD" |
Definition at line 722 of file Class.Doc.php.
$defDoctype = 'F' |
Definition at line 749 of file Class.Doc.php.
$defProfFamId = FAM_ACCESSDOC |
Definition at line 661 of file Class.Doc.php.
$doctype |
Definition at line 391 of file Class.Doc.php.
$domainid |
Definition at line 376 of file Class.Doc.php.
$dprofid = 0 |
Definition at line 485 of file Class.Doc.php.
$eviews |
Definition at line 573 of file Class.Doc.php.
$fields |
Definition at line 62 of file Class.Doc.php.
$fromid |
Definition at line 366 of file Class.Doc.php.
$fromname |
Definition at line 533 of file Class.Doc.php.
$fromtitle |
Definition at line 537 of file Class.Doc.php.
$fulltext |
Definition at line 541 of file Class.Doc.php.
$fulltextfields |
Definition at line 615 of file Class.Doc.php.
$icon |
Definition at line 401 of file Class.Doc.php.
$id |
Definition at line 336 of file Class.Doc.php.
$id_fields |
Definition at line 607 of file Class.Doc.php.
static |
Definition at line 105 of file Class.Doc.php.
$initid |
Definition at line 361 of file Class.Doc.php.
$lay = null |
Definition at line 656 of file Class.Doc.php.
$ldapdn |
Definition at line 517 of file Class.Doc.php.
$lmodify |
Definition at line 406 of file Class.Doc.php.
$lockdomainid |
Definition at line 371 of file Class.Doc.php.
$locked |
user identifier for the locker
Definition at line 396 of file Class.Doc.php.
$mid = 0 |
Definition at line 478 of file Class.Doc.php.
$name |
Definition at line 471 of file Class.Doc.php.
$obj_acl = array() |
Definition at line 715 of file Class.Doc.php.
Definition at line 613 of file Class.Doc.php.
$owner |
Definition at line 341 of file Class.Doc.php.
$paramRefresh = array() |
Definition at line 757 of file Class.Doc.php.
$postitid |
Definition at line 504 of file Class.Doc.php.
$prelid = 0 |
Definition at line 492 of file Class.Doc.php.
$profid |
Definition at line 411 of file Class.Doc.php.
$revdate |
Definition at line 426 of file Class.Doc.php.
Definition at line 351 of file Class.Doc.php.
$specialmenu = array() |
Definition at line 747 of file Class.Doc.php.
$sqlcreate |
Definition at line 662 of file Class.Doc.php.
static |
Definition at line 584 of file Class.Doc.php.
$state |
Definition at line 451 of file Class.Doc.php.
$sup_fields |
Definition at line 101 of file Class.Doc.php.
protected |
Definition at line 100 of file Class.Doc.php.
$title |
Definition at line 346 of file Class.Doc.php.
$usefor |
Definition at line 421 of file Class.Doc.php.
protected |
Definition at line 546 of file Class.Doc.php.
$version |
Definition at line 356 of file Class.Doc.php.
$views |
Definition at line 416 of file Class.Doc.php.
$wdoc = null |
Definition at line 579 of file Class.Doc.php.
$wid |
Definition at line 458 of file Class.Doc.php.
const USEMASKCVEDIT = - 2 |
Definition at line 61 of file Class.Doc.php.
const USEMASKCVVIEW = - 1 |
Definition at line 60 of file Class.Doc.php.