Public Member Functions | |
__construct ($dbaccess= '', $id= '', $res= '', $dbid=0) | |
GetHome ($create=true) | |
Clear () | |
preInsertDocument ($docid, $multiple=false) | |
preInsertDoc ($docid, $multiple=false) | |
postInsertDocument ($docid, $multiple=false) | |
postInsertDoc ($docid, $multiple=false) | |
postInsertMultipleDocuments ($tdocid) | |
preInsertMultipleDocuments ($tdocid) | |
postMInsertDoc ($tdocid) | |
preRemoveDocument ($docid, $multiple=false) | |
postRemoveDocument ($docid, $multiple=false) | |
preUnlinkDoc ($docid, $multiple=false) | |
postUnlinkDoc ($docid, $multiple=false) | |
canModify () | |
AddFile ($docid, $mode="latest", $noprepost=false, $forcerestrict=false, $nocontrol=false) | |
insertDocument ($docid, $mode="latest", $noprepost=false, $forcerestrict=false, $nocontrol=false) | |
InsertMDoc ($tdocs, $mode="latest", $noprepost=false, &$tinserted=array(), &$twarning=array()) | |
insertMultipleDocuments (array $tdocs, $mode="latest", $noprepost=false, &$tinserted=array(), &$twarning=array(), &$info=array()) | |
QuickInsertMSDocId ($tdocids) | |
insertFolder ($docid) | |
getQids ($docid) | |
DelFile ($docid, $noprepost=false, $nocontrol=false) | |
removeDocument ($docid, $noprepost=false, $nocontrol=false) | |
moveDocument ($docid, $movetoid) | |
postStore () | |
postModify () | |
hasNoRestriction () | |
getAuthorizedFamilies ($classid=0, $verifyCreate=false) | |
isAuthorized ($classid) | |
getContent ($controlview=true, array $filter=array(), $famid="", $qtype="TABLE", $trash="") | |
updateFldRelations () | |
count ($onlyprimary=false) | |
getContentInitid () | |
getPrimaryChild () | |
deleteItems () | |
copyItems ($indirid) | |
deleteRecursive () | |
reviveItems () | |
![]() | |
__construct ($dbaccess= '', $id= '', $res= '', $dbid=0) | |
![]() | |
getOperatorLabel ($operator, $attributeType) | |
getContent ($controlview=true, array $filter=array(), $famid="", $qtype="TABLE", $trash="") | |
object2SqlFilter ($of, &$famid, &$fsql) | |
getSpecificFilters () | |
hasSpecificFilters () | |
getDocumentList () | |
![]() | |
__toString () | |
postInsert () | |
setChanged () | |
isChanged () | |
PreInsert () | |
preUpdate () | |
postUpdate () | |
regenerateTemplate ($aid, $index=-1) | |
regenerateTemplates () | |
updateRelations ($force=false) | |
getCurSequence () | |
nextSequence ($fromid=0) | |
disableEditControl () | |
enableEditControl () | |
isRevisable () | |
transfertValuesFrom (&$from) | |
convert ($fromid, $prevalues=array()) | |
canUpdateDoc () | |
save (&$info=null, $skipConstraint=false) | |
store (&$info=null, $skipConstraint=false) | |
canEdit ($verifyDomain=true) | |
CanLockFile () | |
canLock () | |
canUnLock () | |
CanUnLockFile () | |
isLocked ($my=false) | |
isConfidential () | |
getFamDoc () | |
getFamilyDocument () | |
getFreedomFromTitle ($title) | |
getParamValue ($idp, $def="") | |
getFamilyParameterValue ($idp, $def="") | |
getDocWithSameTitle ($key1="title", $key2="") | |
getRevisionState ($state, $fixed=false) | |
deleteTemporary () | |
PreDocDelete () | |
ReallyDelete ($nopost) | |
delete ($really=false, $control=true, $nopost=false) | |
revive () | |
undelete () | |
affect ($array, $more=false, $reset=true) | |
complete () | |
init () | |
description () | |
getFathersDoc () | |
getFromDoc () | |
getChildFam ($id=-1, $controlcreate=false) | |
getRevisions ($type="LIST", $limit=200) | |
latestId ($fixed=false, $forcequery=false) | |
getLatestId ($fixed=false, $forcequery=false) | |
getVersion () | |
getLabel ($idAttr) | |
getProperty ($prop) | |
getPropertyValue ($prop) | |
& | tag () |
& | getAttribute ($idAttr, &$oa=null, $useMask=true) |
& | getAttributes ($useMask=true) |
setMask ($mid) | |
getNormalAttributes ($onlyopt=false) | |
getFieldAttributes () | |
getActionAttributes () | |
getAbstractAttributes () | |
getTitleAttributes () | |
getProfilAttributes () | |
getInputAttributes ($onlyopt=false) | |
getParamAttributes () | |
getFileAttributes ($onlyfile=false) | |
getFilesProperties () | |
hasWaitingFiles () | |
resetConvertVaultFile ($attrid, $index) | |
convertVaultFile ($va, $engine, $isimage=false) | |
getMenuAttributes ($viewhidden=false) | |
getNeededAttributes ($parameters=false) | |
isCompleteNeeded () | |
equal ($a, $b) | |
getExportAttributes ($withfile=false, $forcedefault=false) | |
getImportAttributes () | |
getSortAttributes () | |
refreshTitle () | |
postConstructor () | |
postModify () | |
postStore () | |
preStore () | |
preEdition () | |
preConsultation () | |
postCreated () | |
preCreated () | |
preImport (array $extra=array()) | |
postImport (array $extra=array()) | |
preRevise () | |
postRevise () | |
preUndelete () | |
postUndelete () | |
preRevive () | |
postRevive () | |
setTitle ($title) | |
getValues () | |
getRawValue ($idAttr, $def="") | |
setAttributeValue ($idAttr, $value) | |
getValue ($idAttr, $def="") | |
getTValue ($idAttr, $def="", $index=-1) | |
getMultipleRawValues ($idAttr, $def="", $index=-1) | |
getAValues ($idAttr, $index=-1) | |
getArrayRawValues ($idAttr, $index=-1) | |
removeArrayRow ($idAttr, $index) | |
completeArrayRow ($idAttr, $deleteLastEmptyRows=true) | |
addArrayRow ($idAttr, $tv, $index=-1) | |
clearArrayValues ($idAttr) | |
deleteArray ($idAttr) | |
setValue ($attrid, $value, $index=-1, &$kvalue=null) | |
recomputeTextFiles ($aid= '') | |
setTextValueInFile ($attrid, $value, $ftitle="") | |
getTextValueFromFile ($attrid, &$text) | |
copyFile ($idattr, $newname="", $index=-1) | |
renameFile ($idattr, $newname, $index=-1) | |
vaultRegisterFile ($filename, $ftitle="", &$info=null) | |
setFile ($attrid, $filename, $ftitle="", $index=-1) | |
storeFile ($attrid, $filename, $ftitle="", $index=-1) | |
storeFiles ($attrid, $filenames, $ftitle="") | |
duplicateFiles () | |
getRValue ($RidAttr, $def="", $latest=true, $html=false) | |
getOldValue ($attrid) | |
getOldRawValue ($attrid) | |
getOldValues () | |
getOldRawValues () | |
clearValue ($attrid) | |
deleteValue ($attrid) | |
getValueMethod ($value) | |
applyMethod ($method, $def="", $index=-1, array $bargs=array(), array $mapArgs=array(), &$err= '') | |
verifyConstraint ($attrid, $index=-1) | |
verifyAllConstraints ($stoptofirst=true, &$info=array()) | |
getFirstFileAttributes () | |
addHistoryEntry ($comment= '', $level=DocHisto::INFO, $code= '', $uid= '') | |
addComment ($comment= '', $level=DocHisto::INFO, $code= '', $uid= '') | |
addLog ($code= '', $arg= '', $comment= '', $level= '', $uid= '') | |
getHisto ($allrev=false, $code="", $limit=0) | |
addATag ($tag) | |
getATag ($tag) | |
delATag ($tag) | |
addUTag ($uid, $tag, $datas="", $allrevision=true) | |
hasUTag ($tag, $allrevision=true) | |
getUTag ($tag, $allrevision=true, $uid=null) | |
delUTag ($uid, $tag, $allrevision=true) | |
delUTags ($uid=0) | |
refreshUTags () | |
searchUTags ($tag="", $allrevision=true, $allusers=false) | |
setWaskAnswer ($waskid, $answer) | |
askIsCompleted () | |
getLatestIdWithAsk () | |
isFixed () | |
addRevision ($comment= '') | |
changeFreeState ($newstateid, $comment= '', $revision=true) | |
setState ($newstate, $comment= '', $force=false, $withcontrol=true, $wm1=true, $wm2=true, $wneed=true, $wm0=true, $wm3=true, &$msg= '') | |
getState () | |
getStateColor ($def="") | |
getStateActivity ($def="") | |
getStatelabel () | |
copy ($temporary=false, $control=true, $linkfld=false, $copyfile=false) | |
duplicate ($temporary=false, $control=true, $linkfld=false, $copyfile=false) | |
preDuplicate (&$copyfrom) | |
preCopy (&$copyfrom) | |
postDuplicate (&$copyfrom) | |
postCopy (&$copyfrom) | |
translate ($docid, $translate) | |
archive (&$archive) | |
unArchive (&$archive) | |
lock ($auto=false, $userid=0) | |
unLock ($auto=false, $force=false) | |
allocate ($userid, $comment="", $revision=false, $autolock=true) | |
unallocate ($comment="", $revision=true) | |
getIcon ($idicon="", $size=null, $otherId=null) | |
changeIcon ($icon) | |
addParamRefresh ($in, $out) | |
getRefreshVisibility () | |
preRefresh () | |
specRefresh () | |
postRefresh () | |
specRefreshGen ($onlyspec=false) | |
refresh () | |
refreshRn () | |
urlWhatEncode ($link, $k=-1) | |
urlWhatEncodeSpec ($l) | |
getRssLink () | |
getFileLink ($attrid, $index=-1, $cache=false, $inline=false, $otherValue= '', $info=null) | |
getDocAnchor ($id, $target="_self", $htmllink=true, $title=false, $js=true, $docrev="latest", $viewIcon=false) | |
getHtmlValue ($oattr, $value, $target="_self", $htmllink=true, $index=-1, $entities=true, $abstract=false) | |
getHtmlAttrValue ($attrid, $target="_self", $htmllink=2, $index=-1, $entities=true, $abstract=false) | |
getTextualAttrValue ($attrId, $index=-1, Array $configuration=array()) | |
getOooAttrValue ($attrid, $target="_self", $htmllink=false, $index=-1) | |
getOooValue ($oattr, $value, $target="_self", $htmllink=false, $index=-1) | |
control ($aclname, $strict=false) | |
hasPermission ($aclName, $strict=false) | |
controlUser ($uid, $aclname) | |
isAlive () | |
sqlTrigger ($onlydrop=false, $code=false) | |
getSqlIndex () | |
getZoneFile ($zone) | |
getZoneOption ($zone="") | |
getZoneTransform ($zone="") | |
setDefaultValues ($tdefval, $method=true, $forcedefault=false) | |
setNameAuto ($temporary=false) | |
getMainPath () | |
viewDoc ($layout="FDL:VIEWBODYCARD", $target="_self", $ulink=true, $abstract=false, $changelayout=false) | |
viewdefaultcard ($target="_self", $ulink=true, $abstract=false, $viewhidden=false) | |
viewthumbcard ($target="finfo", $ulink=true, $abstract=true) | |
viewproperties ($target="finfo", $ulink=true, $abstract=true) | |
viewabstractcard ($target="finfo", $ulink=true, $abstract=false) | |
viewattr ($target="_self", $ulink=true, $abstract=false, $viewhidden=false) | |
viewprop ($target="_self", $ulink=true, $abstract=false) | |
setLogicalIdentificator ($name, $reset=false) | |
setLogicalName ($name, $reset=false, $verifyOnly=false) | |
viewoptcard ($target="_self", $ulink=true, $abstract=false) | |
editoptcard ($target="_self", $ulink=true, $abstract=false) | |
editbodycard ($target="_self", $ulink=true, $abstract=false, $onlyopt=false) | |
editattr ($withtd=true) | |
setFamidInLayout () | |
vault_filename ($attrid, $path=false, $index=-1) | |
vault_filename_fromvalue ($fileid, $path=false) | |
vault_properties (NormalAttribute $attr) | |
getFileInfo ($filesvalue, $key="", $returnType="array") | |
exportXml (&$xml, $withfile=false, $outfile="", $wident=true, $flat=false, $exportAttributes=array()) | |
toxml ($withdtd=false, $id_doc="") | |
todtd () | |
getCustomTitle () | |
getSpecTitle () | |
refreshDocTitle ($nameId, $nameTitle) | |
getEmblem ($size=null) | |
nothing ($a="", $b="", $c="") | |
getParam ($param, $defv="") | |
getLastTitle ($id="-1", $def="") | |
getTitle ($id="-1", $def="", $latest=false) | |
getHTMLTitle ($id="-1", $def="", $latest=false) | |
getDocValue ($docid, $attrid, $def=" ", $latest=false) | |
getDocProp ($docid, $propid, $latest=false) | |
getMyAttribute ($idattr) | |
formatString ($fmt) | |
updateVaultIndex () | |
attachTimer (&$timer, $origin=null, $execdate=null) | |
unattachTimer (&$timer) | |
getAttachedTimers () | |
getDomainIds ($user=true, $folderName=false) | |
lockToDomain ($domainId, $userid=0) | |
getParentFolderIds () | |
updateDomains () | |
isInDomain ($user=true, $userId= '') | |
getHelpPage ($fromid="") | |
getSearchMethods ($attrId, $attrType= '') | |
isValidSearchMethod ($className, $methodName) | |
resolveDocIdLogicalNames (NormalAttribute &$oattr, $avalue, &$unknownLogicalNames=array(), &$knownLogicalNames=array()) | |
![]() | |
__construct ($dbaccess= '', $id= '', $res= '', $dbid=0) | |
isControlled () | |
unsetControl () | |
removeControl ($userid=-1) | |
setControl ($userctrl=true) | |
setProfil ($profid, $fromdocidvalues=null) | |
computeDProfil ($dprofid=0, $fromdocidvalues=null) | |
setViewProfil () | |
isRealProfile () | |
modifyControl ($uid, $aclname, $deletecontrol=false) | |
addControl ($uid, $aclname) | |
isExtendedAcl ($aclname) | |
delControl ($uid, $aclname) | |
setCvid ($cvid) | |
controlId ($docid, $aclname, $strict=false) | |
controlExtId ($docid, $aclname, $strict=false) | |
controlUserId ($docid, $uid, $aclname) | |
controlUp ($uperm, $aclname) | |
getUsersForAcl ($aclname) | |
recomputeProfiledDocument () | |
isDocLinked ($title, $docid) | |
isValidLink ($title, $docid) | |
canEditMenu () | |
controlAclAccess ($acl) | |
controlActifProfil () | |
profilIsActivate ($yes=true) | |
![]() | |
OrgInit () | |
UseLdap () | |
SetLdapParam () | |
getDNs () | |
setDNs ($ds, $tdn) | |
canUpdateLdapCard () | |
RefreshLdapCard () | |
DeleteLdapCard () | |
getLDAPDN ($rdn, $path="") | |
getMapAttributes () | |
ConvertToLdap () | |
getLDAPValue ($idattr, $index="") | |
ModifyLdapCard ($tinfoldap) | |
createLDAPDc ($ds, $n) | |
![]() | |
__construct ($dbaccess= '', $id= '', $res= '', $dbid=0) | |
Select ($id) | |
getValues () | |
affectColumn ($fields, $reset=true) | |
affect ($array, $more=false, $reset=true) | |
isAffected () | |
Complete () | |
preInsert () | |
postInsert () | |
preUpdate () | |
postUpdate () | |
preDelete () | |
postDelete () | |
preSelect ($id) | |
postSelect ($id) | |
Add ($nopost=false, $nopre=false) | |
modify ($nopost=false, $sfields="", $nopre=false) | |
delete ($nopost=false) | |
Adds (&$tcopy, $nopost=false) | |
lw ($prop) | |
CloseConnect () | |
Create ($nopost=false) | |
postInit () | |
init_dbid () | |
exec_query ($sql, $lvl=0, $prepare=false) | |
numrows () | |
fetch_array ($c, $type=PGSQL_ASSOC) | |
update () | |
setError ($moreerr= '') | |
autoUpdate () | |
savePoint ($point) | |
lockPoint ($exclusiveLock, $exclusiveLockPrefix= '') | |
setMasterLock ($useLock) | |
rollbackPoint ($point) | |
commitPoint ($point) | |
Protected Member Functions | |
postAffect (array $data, $more, $reset) | |
![]() | |
getParameterFamilyRawValue ($idp, $def) | |
preAffect (array &$data, &$more, &$reset) | |
postAffect (array $data, $more, $reset) | |
specRefreshGenAttribute ($attrId, $callMethod) | |
noPrivilegeMessage (Doc &$doc, $aclname) | |
getCustomSearchValues () | |
![]() | |
tryCreate () | |
Additional Inherited Members | |
![]() | |
static | seemsMethod ($method) |
static | rawValueToArray ($v) |
static | _val2array ($v) |
static | arrayToRawValue ($v, $br= '< BR >') |
static | _array2val ($v, $br= '< BR >') |
static | _cmpanswers ($a, $b) |
static | htmlEncode ($s) |
static | getDate ($daydelta=0, $dayhour="", $daymin="", $getlocale=false) |
static | getTimeDate ($hourdelta=0, $second=false) |
static | getUserName ($withfirst=false) |
static | userDocId () |
static | getUserId () |
static | getWhatUserId () |
static | getSystemUserId () |
static | parseZone ($zone) |
![]() | |
static | parseMail ($Email) |
static | isFutureDate ($date) |
static | isFloat ($x, $min=null, $max=null) |
static | isInteger ($x, $min=null, $max=null) |
static | isString ($x, $p) |
static | canExecute ($appname, $actname) |
![]() | |
static | $infofields |
static | $sqlindex |
![]() | |
static | $savepoint = array() |
static | $lockpoint = array() |
static | $sqlStrict = null |
![]() | |
$svalues | |
$values | |
$attrids | |
Folder document Class
Definition at line 22 of file Class.Dir.php.
__construct | ( | $dbaccess = '' , |
$id = '' , |
$res = '' , |
$dbid = 0 |
) |
Definition at line 33 of file Class.Dir.php.
AddFile | ( | $docid, | |
$mode = "latest" , |
$noprepost = false , |
$forcerestrict = false , |
$nocontrol = false |
) |
add a document reference in this folder
if mode is latest the user always see latest revision if mode is static the user see the revision which has been inserted
int | $docid | document ident for the insertion |
string | $mode | latest|static |
bool | $noprepost | if true if the virtuals methods Dir::preInsertDoc() and Dir::postInsertDoc() are not called |
bool | $forcerestrict | if true don't test restriction (if have) |
bool | $nocontrol | if true no test acl "modify" |
Definition at line 295 of file Class.Dir.php.
canModify | ( | ) |
Test if current user can add or delete document in this folder
Definition at line 272 of file Class.Dir.php.
Clear | ( | ) |
clear containt of this folder
Definition at line 108 of file Class.Dir.php.
copyItems | ( | $indirid | ) |
copy (clone) all documents which primary relation is the folder (recurively) the others documents are just linked all document are put in $indirid folder id
int | $indirid | the folder where put the copies |
Definition at line 991 of file Class.Dir.php.
count | ( | $onlyprimary = false | ) |
return number of item in the static folder
bool | $onlyprimary | set to true if you wnat only document linked by primary relation |
Definition at line 916 of file Class.Dir.php.
deleteItems | ( | ) |
delete all document which primary relation is the folder (recurively) different of Dir::Clear() all document are put in the trash (zombie mode)
Definition at line 964 of file Class.Dir.php.
deleteRecursive | ( | ) |
delete the folder and its containt different of Dir::Clear() all document are put in the trash (zombie mode)
Definition at line 1028 of file Class.Dir.php.
remove a document reference from this folder
int | $docid | document ident for the deletion |
bool | $noprepost | if true then the virtuals methods Dir::preUnlinkDoc() and Dir::postUnlinkDoc() are not called |
bool | $nocontrol | if true no test acl "modify" |
Definition at line 658 of file Class.Dir.php.
getAuthorizedFamilies | ( | $classid = 0 , |
$verifyCreate = false |
) |
return families that can be use in insertion
int | $classid | : restrict for same usefor families |
bool | $verifyCreate | set to true if you want to get only families the user can create (icreate acl) |
Definition at line 815 of file Class.Dir.php.
getContent | ( | $controlview = true , |
array | $filter = array() , |
$famid = "" , |
$qtype = "TABLE" , |
$trash = "" |
) |
return document includes in folder
bool | $controlview | if false all document are returned else only visible for current user document are return |
array | $filter | to add list sql filter for selected document |
int | string | $famid | family identifier to restrict search |
string | $qtype | type os result TABLE|LIST|ITEM |
string | $trash |
Definition at line 895 of file Class.Dir.php.
getContentInitid | ( | ) |
return array of document identificators included in folder
Definition at line 932 of file Class.Dir.php.
GetHome | ( | $create = true | ) |
get the home and basket folder
bool | $create | set to false to disable auto creation |
Definition at line 43 of file Class.Dir.php.
getPrimaryChild | ( | ) |
get document which primary relation is this folder
Definition at line 947 of file Class.Dir.php.
getQids | ( | $docid | ) |
hasNoRestriction | ( | ) |
insertDocument | ( | $docid, | |
$mode = "latest" , |
$noprepost = false , |
$forcerestrict = false , |
$nocontrol = false |
) |
add a document reference in this folder
if mode is latest the user always see latest revision if mode is static the user see the revision which has been inserted
int | $docid | document ident for the insertion |
string | $mode | latest|static |
bool | $noprepost | if true if the virtuals methods Dir::preInsertDoc() and Dir::postInsertDoc() are not called |
bool | $forcerestrict | if true don't test restriction (if have) |
bool | $nocontrol | if true no test acl "modify" |
Definition at line 315 of file Class.Dir.php.
insertFolder | ( | $docid | ) |
insert all static document which are included in $docid in this folder be carreful : not verify restriction folders to be use when many include (verification constraint must ne set before by caller)
int | $docid | identifier document for the insertion (must be initial id) |
Definition at line 610 of file Class.Dir.php.
InsertMDoc | ( | $tdocs, | |
$mode = "latest" , |
$noprepost = false , |
& | $tinserted = array() , |
& | $twarning = array() |
) |
insert multiple document reference in this folder
if mode is latest the user always see latest revision if mode is static the user see the revision which has been inserted
$tdocs | ||
string | $mode | latest|static |
boolean | $noprepost | not call preInsert and postInsert method (default if false) |
array | $tinserted | |
array | $twarning |
Definition at line 433 of file Class.Dir.php.
insertMultipleDocuments | ( | array | $tdocs, |
$mode = "latest" , |
$noprepost = false , |
& | $tinserted = array() , |
& | $twarning = array() , |
& | $info = array() |
) |
insert multiple document reference in this folder
if mode is latest the user always see latest revision if mode is static the user see the revision which has been inserted
array | $tdocs | documents for the insertion |
string | $mode | latest|static static is not implemented yet |
boolean | $noprepost | not call preInsert and postInsert method (default if false) |
array | $tinserted | |
array | $twarning | |
array | $info |
Definition at line 454 of file Class.Dir.php.
isAuthorized | ( | $classid | ) |
return families that can be use in insertion
int | $classid | : restrict for same usefor families |
Definition at line 874 of file Class.Dir.php.
moveDocument | ( | $docid, | |
$movetoid | |||
) |
move a document from me to a folder
integer | $docid | the document identifier to move |
integer | $movetoid | target destination |
Definition at line 736 of file Class.Dir.php.
protected |
Definition at line 953 of file Class.Dir.php.
postInsertDoc | ( | $docid, | |
$multiple = false |
) |
virtual method use after insert document in folder
int | $docid | document identifier to insert |
bool | $multiple | flag to indicate if the insertion is a part of grouped insertion |
Definition at line 167 of file Class.Dir.php.
postInsertDocument | ( | $docid, | |
$multiple = false |
) |
virtual method use after insert document in folder
int | $docid | document identifier to insert |
bool | $multiple | flag to indicate if the insertion is a part of grouped insertion |
Definition at line 154 of file Class.Dir.php.
postInsertMultipleDocuments | ( | $tdocid | ) |
hook method use after insert multiple document in this folder must be redefined to optimize algorithm
array | $tdocid | array of document identifier to insert |
Definition at line 183 of file Class.Dir.php.
postMInsertDoc | ( | $tdocid | ) |
hook method use after insert multiple document in this folder must be redefined to optimize algorithm
array | $tdocid | array of document identifier to insert |
Definition at line 211 of file Class.Dir.php.
postModify | ( | ) |
Definition at line 796 of file Class.Dir.php.
postRemoveDocument | ( | $docid, | |
$multiple = false |
) |
hook method use after unlink document in folder
int | $docid | document identifier to unlink |
bool | $multiple | flag to indicate if the insertion is a part of grouped insertion |
Definition at line 237 of file Class.Dir.php.
postStore | ( | ) |
postUnlinkDoc | ( | $docid, | |
$multiple = false |
) |
hook method use after unlink document in folder
int | $docid | document identifier to unlink |
bool | $multiple | flag to indicate if the insertion is a part of grouped insertion |
Definition at line 263 of file Class.Dir.php.
preInsertDoc | ( | $docid, | |
$multiple = false |
) |
virtual method use before insert document in folder
int | $docid | document identifier to insert |
bool | $multiple | flag to indicate if the insertion is a part of grouped insertion |
Definition at line 142 of file Class.Dir.php.
preInsertDocument | ( | $docid, | |
$multiple = false |
) |
hook method use before insert document in folder
int | $docid | document identifier to insert |
bool | $multiple | flag to indicate if the insertion is a part of grouped insertion |
Definition at line 129 of file Class.Dir.php.
preInsertMultipleDocuments | ( | $tdocid | ) |
hook method use after insert multiple document in this folder must be redefined to optimize algorithm
array | $tdocid | array of document identifier to insert |
Definition at line 198 of file Class.Dir.php.
preRemoveDocument | ( | $docid, | |
$multiple = false |
) |
hook method use after unlink document in folder
int | $docid | document identifier to unlink |
bool | $multiple | flag to indicate if the insertion is a part of grouped insertion |
Definition at line 225 of file Class.Dir.php.
preUnlinkDoc | ( | $docid, | |
$multiple = false |
) |
hook method use after unlink document in folder
int | $docid | document identifier to unlink |
bool | $multiple | flag to indicate if the insertion is a part of grouped insertion |
Definition at line 250 of file Class.Dir.php.
QuickInsertMSDocId | ( | $tdocids | ) |
insert multiple static document reference in this folder be carreful : not verify restriction folders to be use when many include (verification constraint must ne set before by caller)
array | $tdocids | identifier documents for the insertion |
Definition at line 584 of file Class.Dir.php.
delete a document reference from this folder
int | $docid | document ident for the deletion |
bool | $noprepost | if true then the virtuals methods Dir::preRemoveDocument() and Dir::postRemoveDocument() are not called |
bool | $nocontrol | if true no test acl "modify" |
Definition at line 673 of file Class.Dir.php.
reviveItems | ( | ) |
restore all document which primary relation is the folder (recurively)
Definition at line 1050 of file Class.Dir.php.
updateFldRelations | ( | ) |
update folder relations
Definition at line 906 of file Class.Dir.php.
$defDoctype = 'D' |
Definition at line 25 of file Class.Dir.php.
$eviews |
Definition at line 29 of file Class.Dir.php.