Additional Inherited Members | |
![]() | |
__construct ($dbaccess= '', $id= '', $res= '', $dbid=0) | |
preImport (array $extra=array()) | |
![]() | |
__toString () | |
postInsert () | |
setChanged () | |
isChanged () | |
PreInsert () | |
preUpdate () | |
postUpdate () | |
regenerateTemplate ($aid, $index=-1) | |
regenerateTemplates () | |
updateRelations ($force=false) | |
getCurSequence () | |
nextSequence ($fromid=0) | |
disableEditControl () | |
enableEditControl () | |
isRevisable () | |
transfertValuesFrom (&$from) | |
convert ($fromid, $prevalues=array()) | |
canUpdateDoc () | |
save (&$info=null, $skipConstraint=false) | |
store (&$info=null, $skipConstraint=false) | |
canEdit ($verifyDomain=true) | |
CanLockFile () | |
canLock () | |
canUnLock () | |
CanUnLockFile () | |
isLocked ($my=false) | |
isConfidential () | |
getFamDoc () | |
getFamilyDocument () | |
getFreedomFromTitle ($title) | |
getParamValue ($idp, $def="") | |
getFamilyParameterValue ($idp, $def="") | |
getDocWithSameTitle ($key1="title", $key2="") | |
getRevisionState ($state, $fixed=false) | |
deleteTemporary () | |
PreDocDelete () | |
ReallyDelete ($nopost) | |
delete ($really=false, $control=true, $nopost=false) | |
revive () | |
undelete () | |
affect ($array, $more=false, $reset=true) | |
complete () | |
init () | |
description () | |
getFathersDoc () | |
getFromDoc () | |
getChildFam ($id=-1, $controlcreate=false) | |
getRevisions ($type="LIST", $limit=200) | |
latestId ($fixed=false, $forcequery=false) | |
getLatestId ($fixed=false, $forcequery=false) | |
getVersion () | |
getLabel ($idAttr) | |
getProperty ($prop) | |
getPropertyValue ($prop) | |
& | tag () |
& | getAttribute ($idAttr, &$oa=null, $useMask=true) |
& | getAttributes ($useMask=true) |
setMask ($mid) | |
getNormalAttributes ($onlyopt=false) | |
getFieldAttributes () | |
getActionAttributes () | |
getAbstractAttributes () | |
getTitleAttributes () | |
getProfilAttributes () | |
getInputAttributes ($onlyopt=false) | |
getParamAttributes () | |
getFileAttributes ($onlyfile=false) | |
getFilesProperties () | |
hasWaitingFiles () | |
resetConvertVaultFile ($attrid, $index) | |
convertVaultFile ($va, $engine, $isimage=false) | |
getMenuAttributes ($viewhidden=false) | |
getNeededAttributes ($parameters=false) | |
isCompleteNeeded () | |
equal ($a, $b) | |
getExportAttributes ($withfile=false, $forcedefault=false) | |
getImportAttributes () | |
getSortAttributes () | |
refreshTitle () | |
postConstructor () | |
postModify () | |
postStore () | |
preStore () | |
preEdition () | |
preConsultation () | |
postCreated () | |
preCreated () | |
preImport (array $extra=array()) | |
postImport (array $extra=array()) | |
preRevise () | |
postRevise () | |
preUndelete () | |
postUndelete () | |
preRevive () | |
postRevive () | |
setTitle ($title) | |
getValues () | |
getRawValue ($idAttr, $def="") | |
setAttributeValue ($idAttr, $value) | |
getValue ($idAttr, $def="") | |
getTValue ($idAttr, $def="", $index=-1) | |
getMultipleRawValues ($idAttr, $def="", $index=-1) | |
getAValues ($idAttr, $index=-1) | |
getArrayRawValues ($idAttr, $index=-1) | |
removeArrayRow ($idAttr, $index) | |
completeArrayRow ($idAttr, $deleteLastEmptyRows=true) | |
addArrayRow ($idAttr, $tv, $index=-1) | |
clearArrayValues ($idAttr) | |
deleteArray ($idAttr) | |
setValue ($attrid, $value, $index=-1, &$kvalue=null) | |
recomputeTextFiles ($aid= '') | |
setTextValueInFile ($attrid, $value, $ftitle="") | |
getTextValueFromFile ($attrid, &$text) | |
copyFile ($idattr, $newname="", $index=-1) | |
renameFile ($idattr, $newname, $index=-1) | |
vaultRegisterFile ($filename, $ftitle="", &$info=null) | |
setFile ($attrid, $filename, $ftitle="", $index=-1) | |
storeFile ($attrid, $filename, $ftitle="", $index=-1) | |
storeFiles ($attrid, $filenames, $ftitle="") | |
duplicateFiles () | |
getRValue ($RidAttr, $def="", $latest=true, $html=false) | |
getOldValue ($attrid) | |
getOldRawValue ($attrid) | |
getOldValues () | |
getOldRawValues () | |
clearValue ($attrid) | |
deleteValue ($attrid) | |
getValueMethod ($value) | |
applyMethod ($method, $def="", $index=-1, array $bargs=array(), array $mapArgs=array(), &$err= '') | |
verifyConstraint ($attrid, $index=-1) | |
verifyAllConstraints ($stoptofirst=true, &$info=array()) | |
getFirstFileAttributes () | |
addHistoryEntry ($comment= '', $level=DocHisto::INFO, $code= '', $uid= '') | |
addComment ($comment= '', $level=DocHisto::INFO, $code= '', $uid= '') | |
addLog ($code= '', $arg= '', $comment= '', $level= '', $uid= '') | |
getHisto ($allrev=false, $code="", $limit=0) | |
addATag ($tag) | |
getATag ($tag) | |
delATag ($tag) | |
addUTag ($uid, $tag, $datas="", $allrevision=true) | |
hasUTag ($tag, $allrevision=true) | |
getUTag ($tag, $allrevision=true, $uid=null) | |
delUTag ($uid, $tag, $allrevision=true) | |
delUTags ($uid=0) | |
refreshUTags () | |
searchUTags ($tag="", $allrevision=true, $allusers=false) | |
setWaskAnswer ($waskid, $answer) | |
askIsCompleted () | |
getLatestIdWithAsk () | |
isFixed () | |
addRevision ($comment= '') | |
changeFreeState ($newstateid, $comment= '', $revision=true) | |
setState ($newstate, $comment= '', $force=false, $withcontrol=true, $wm1=true, $wm2=true, $wneed=true, $wm0=true, $wm3=true, &$msg= '') | |
getState () | |
getStateColor ($def="") | |
getStateActivity ($def="") | |
getStatelabel () | |
copy ($temporary=false, $control=true, $linkfld=false, $copyfile=false) | |
duplicate ($temporary=false, $control=true, $linkfld=false, $copyfile=false) | |
preDuplicate (&$copyfrom) | |
preCopy (&$copyfrom) | |
postDuplicate (&$copyfrom) | |
postCopy (&$copyfrom) | |
translate ($docid, $translate) | |
archive (&$archive) | |
unArchive (&$archive) | |
lock ($auto=false, $userid=0) | |
unLock ($auto=false, $force=false) | |
allocate ($userid, $comment="", $revision=false, $autolock=true) | |
unallocate ($comment="", $revision=true) | |
getIcon ($idicon="", $size=null, $otherId=null) | |
changeIcon ($icon) | |
addParamRefresh ($in, $out) | |
getRefreshVisibility () | |
preRefresh () | |
specRefresh () | |
postRefresh () | |
specRefreshGen ($onlyspec=false) | |
refresh () | |
refreshRn () | |
urlWhatEncode ($link, $k=-1) | |
urlWhatEncodeSpec ($l) | |
getRssLink () | |
getFileLink ($attrid, $index=-1, $cache=false, $inline=false, $otherValue= '', $info=null) | |
getDocAnchor ($id, $target="_self", $htmllink=true, $title=false, $js=true, $docrev="latest", $viewIcon=false) | |
getHtmlValue ($oattr, $value, $target="_self", $htmllink=true, $index=-1, $entities=true, $abstract=false) | |
getHtmlAttrValue ($attrid, $target="_self", $htmllink=2, $index=-1, $entities=true, $abstract=false) | |
getTextualAttrValue ($attrId, $index=-1, Array $configuration=array()) | |
getOooAttrValue ($attrid, $target="_self", $htmllink=false, $index=-1) | |
getOooValue ($oattr, $value, $target="_self", $htmllink=false, $index=-1) | |
control ($aclname, $strict=false) | |
hasPermission ($aclName, $strict=false) | |
controlUser ($uid, $aclname) | |
isAlive () | |
sqlTrigger ($onlydrop=false, $code=false) | |
getSqlIndex () | |
getZoneFile ($zone) | |
getZoneOption ($zone="") | |
getZoneTransform ($zone="") | |
setDefaultValues ($tdefval, $method=true, $forcedefault=false) | |
setNameAuto ($temporary=false) | |
getMainPath () | |
viewDoc ($layout="FDL:VIEWBODYCARD", $target="_self", $ulink=true, $abstract=false, $changelayout=false) | |
viewdefaultcard ($target="_self", $ulink=true, $abstract=false, $viewhidden=false) | |
viewthumbcard ($target="finfo", $ulink=true, $abstract=true) | |
viewproperties ($target="finfo", $ulink=true, $abstract=true) | |
viewabstractcard ($target="finfo", $ulink=true, $abstract=false) | |
viewattr ($target="_self", $ulink=true, $abstract=false, $viewhidden=false) | |
viewprop ($target="_self", $ulink=true, $abstract=false) | |
setLogicalIdentificator ($name, $reset=false) | |
setLogicalName ($name, $reset=false, $verifyOnly=false) | |
viewoptcard ($target="_self", $ulink=true, $abstract=false) | |
editoptcard ($target="_self", $ulink=true, $abstract=false) | |
editbodycard ($target="_self", $ulink=true, $abstract=false, $onlyopt=false) | |
editattr ($withtd=true) | |
setFamidInLayout () | |
vault_filename ($attrid, $path=false, $index=-1) | |
vault_filename_fromvalue ($fileid, $path=false) | |
vault_properties (NormalAttribute $attr) | |
getFileInfo ($filesvalue, $key="", $returnType="array") | |
exportXml (&$xml, $withfile=false, $outfile="", $wident=true, $flat=false, $exportAttributes=array()) | |
toxml ($withdtd=false, $id_doc="") | |
todtd () | |
getCustomTitle () | |
getSpecTitle () | |
refreshDocTitle ($nameId, $nameTitle) | |
getEmblem ($size=null) | |
nothing ($a="", $b="", $c="") | |
getParam ($param, $defv="") | |
getLastTitle ($id="-1", $def="") | |
getTitle ($id="-1", $def="", $latest=false) | |
getHTMLTitle ($id="-1", $def="", $latest=false) | |
getDocValue ($docid, $attrid, $def=" ", $latest=false) | |
getDocProp ($docid, $propid, $latest=false) | |
getMyAttribute ($idattr) | |
formatString ($fmt) | |
updateVaultIndex () | |
attachTimer (&$timer, $origin=null, $execdate=null) | |
unattachTimer (&$timer) | |
getAttachedTimers () | |
getDomainIds ($user=true, $folderName=false) | |
lockToDomain ($domainId, $userid=0) | |
getParentFolderIds () | |
updateDomains () | |
isInDomain ($user=true, $userId= '') | |
getHelpPage ($fromid="") | |
getSearchMethods ($attrId, $attrType= '') | |
isValidSearchMethod ($className, $methodName) | |
resolveDocIdLogicalNames (NormalAttribute &$oattr, $avalue, &$unknownLogicalNames=array(), &$knownLogicalNames=array()) | |
![]() | |
__construct ($dbaccess= '', $id= '', $res= '', $dbid=0) | |
isControlled () | |
unsetControl () | |
removeControl ($userid=-1) | |
setControl ($userctrl=true) | |
setProfil ($profid, $fromdocidvalues=null) | |
computeDProfil ($dprofid=0, $fromdocidvalues=null) | |
setViewProfil () | |
isRealProfile () | |
modifyControl ($uid, $aclname, $deletecontrol=false) | |
addControl ($uid, $aclname) | |
isExtendedAcl ($aclname) | |
delControl ($uid, $aclname) | |
setCvid ($cvid) | |
controlId ($docid, $aclname, $strict=false) | |
controlExtId ($docid, $aclname, $strict=false) | |
controlUserId ($docid, $uid, $aclname) | |
controlUp ($uperm, $aclname) | |
getUsersForAcl ($aclname) | |
recomputeProfiledDocument () | |
isDocLinked ($title, $docid) | |
isValidLink ($title, $docid) | |
canEditMenu () | |
controlAclAccess ($acl) | |
controlActifProfil () | |
profilIsActivate ($yes=true) | |
![]() | |
OrgInit () | |
UseLdap () | |
SetLdapParam () | |
getDNs () | |
setDNs ($ds, $tdn) | |
canUpdateLdapCard () | |
RefreshLdapCard () | |
DeleteLdapCard () | |
getLDAPDN ($rdn, $path="") | |
getMapAttributes () | |
ConvertToLdap () | |
getLDAPValue ($idattr, $index="") | |
ModifyLdapCard ($tinfoldap) | |
createLDAPDc ($ds, $n) | |
![]() | |
__construct ($dbaccess= '', $id= '', $res= '', $dbid=0) | |
Select ($id) | |
getValues () | |
affectColumn ($fields, $reset=true) | |
affect ($array, $more=false, $reset=true) | |
isAffected () | |
Complete () | |
preInsert () | |
postInsert () | |
preUpdate () | |
postUpdate () | |
preDelete () | |
postDelete () | |
preSelect ($id) | |
postSelect ($id) | |
Add ($nopost=false, $nopre=false) | |
modify ($nopost=false, $sfields="", $nopre=false) | |
delete ($nopost=false) | |
Adds (&$tcopy, $nopost=false) | |
lw ($prop) | |
CloseConnect () | |
Create ($nopost=false) | |
postInit () | |
init_dbid () | |
exec_query ($sql, $lvl=0, $prepare=false) | |
numrows () | |
fetch_array ($c, $type=PGSQL_ASSOC) | |
update () | |
setError ($moreerr= '') | |
autoUpdate () | |
savePoint ($point) | |
lockPoint ($exclusiveLock, $exclusiveLockPrefix= '') | |
setMasterLock ($useLock) | |
rollbackPoint ($point) | |
commitPoint ($point) | |
![]() | |
static | seemsMethod ($method) |
static | rawValueToArray ($v) |
static | _val2array ($v) |
static | arrayToRawValue ($v, $br= '< BR >') |
static | _array2val ($v, $br= '< BR >') |
static | _cmpanswers ($a, $b) |
static | htmlEncode ($s) |
static | getDate ($daydelta=0, $dayhour="", $daymin="", $getlocale=false) |
static | getTimeDate ($hourdelta=0, $second=false) |
static | getUserName ($withfirst=false) |
static | userDocId () |
static | getUserId () |
static | getWhatUserId () |
static | getSystemUserId () |
static | parseZone ($zone) |
![]() | |
static | parseMail ($Email) |
static | isFutureDate ($date) |
static | isFloat ($x, $min=null, $max=null) |
static | isInteger ($x, $min=null, $max=null) |
static | isString ($x, $p) |
static | canExecute ($appname, $actname) |
![]() | |
static | $infofields |
static | $sqlindex |
![]() | |
static | $savepoint = array() |
static | $lockpoint = array() |
static | $sqlStrict = null |
![]() | |
getParameterFamilyRawValue ($idp, $def) | |
preAffect (array &$data, &$more, &$reset) | |
postAffect (array $data, $more, $reset) | |
specRefreshGenAttribute ($attrId, $callMethod) | |
noPrivilegeMessage (Doc &$doc, $aclname) | |
getCustomSearchValues () | |
![]() | |
tryCreate () | |
![]() | |
$svalues | |
$values | |
$attrids | |
Profil de famille
Definition at line 14 of file stubCoreFamilies.php.
const familyName ="PFAM" |
Definition at line 14 of file stubCoreFamilies.php.