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1 <?php
2 /**
3  * PHPMailer RFC821 SMTP email transport class.
4  * PHP Version 5
5  * @package PHPMailer
6  * @link The PHPMailer GitHub project
7  * @author Marcus Bointon (Synchro/coolbru) <>
8  * @author Jim Jagielski (jimjag) <>
9  * @author Andy Prevost (codeworxtech) <>
10  * @author Brent R. Matzelle (original founder)
11  * @copyright 2014 Marcus Bointon
12  * @copyright 2010 - 2012 Jim Jagielski
13  * @copyright 2004 - 2009 Andy Prevost
14  * @license GNU Lesser General Public License
15  * @note This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful - WITHOUT
16  * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
18  */
20 /**
21  * PHPMailer RFC821 SMTP email transport class.
22  * Implements RFC 821 SMTP commands and provides some utility methods for sending mail to an SMTP server.
23  * @package PHPMailer
24  * @author Chris Ryan
25  * @author Marcus Bointon <>
26  */
27 class SMTP
28 {
29  /**
30  * The PHPMailer SMTP version number.
31  * @var string
32  */
33  const VERSION = '5.2.14';
35  /**
36  * SMTP line break constant.
37  * @var string
38  */
39  const CRLF = "\r\n";
41  /**
42  * The SMTP port to use if one is not specified.
43  * @var integer
44  */
45  const DEFAULT_SMTP_PORT = 25;
47  /**
48  * The maximum line length allowed by RFC 2822 section 2.1.1
49  * @var integer
50  */
51  const MAX_LINE_LENGTH = 998;
53  /**
54  * Debug level for no output
55  */
56  const DEBUG_OFF = 0;
58  /**
59  * Debug level to show client -> server messages
60  */
61  const DEBUG_CLIENT = 1;
63  /**
64  * Debug level to show client -> server and server -> client messages
65  */
66  const DEBUG_SERVER = 2;
68  /**
69  * Debug level to show connection status, client -> server and server -> client messages
70  */
71  const DEBUG_CONNECTION = 3;
73  /**
74  * Debug level to show all messages
75  */
76  const DEBUG_LOWLEVEL = 4;
78  /**
79  * The PHPMailer SMTP Version number.
80  * @var string
81  * @deprecated Use the `VERSION` constant instead
82  * @see SMTP::VERSION
83  */
84  public $Version = '5.2.14';
86  /**
87  * SMTP server port number.
88  * @var integer
89  * @deprecated This is only ever used as a default value, so use the `DEFAULT_SMTP_PORT` constant instead
91  */
92  public $SMTP_PORT = 25;
94  /**
95  * SMTP reply line ending.
96  * @var string
97  * @deprecated Use the `CRLF` constant instead
98  * @see SMTP::CRLF
99  */
100  public $CRLF = "\r\n";
102  /**
103  * Debug output level.
104  * Options:
105  * * self::DEBUG_OFF (`0`) No debug output, default
106  * * self::DEBUG_CLIENT (`1`) Client commands
107  * * self::DEBUG_SERVER (`2`) Client commands and server responses
108  * * self::DEBUG_CONNECTION (`3`) As DEBUG_SERVER plus connection status
109  * * self::DEBUG_LOWLEVEL (`4`) Low-level data output, all messages
110  * @var integer
111  */
112  public $do_debug = self::DEBUG_OFF;
114  /**
115  * How to handle debug output.
116  * Options:
117  * * `echo` Output plain-text as-is, appropriate for CLI
118  * * `html` Output escaped, line breaks converted to `<br>`, appropriate for browser output
119  * * `error_log` Output to error log as configured in php.ini
120  *
121  * Alternatively, you can provide a callable expecting two params: a message string and the debug level:
122  * <code>
123  * $smtp->Debugoutput = function($str, $level) {echo "debug level $level; message: $str";};
124  * </code>
125  * @var string|callable
126  */
127  public $Debugoutput = 'echo';
129  /**
130  * Whether to use VERP.
131  * @link
132  * @link Info on VERP
133  * @var boolean
134  */
135  public $do_verp = false;
137  /**
138  * The timeout value for connection, in seconds.
139  * Default of 5 minutes (300sec) is from RFC2821 section
140  * This needs to be quite high to function correctly with hosts using greetdelay as an anti-spam measure.
141  * @link
142  * @var integer
143  */
144  public $Timeout = 300;
146  /**
147  * How long to wait for commands to complete, in seconds.
148  * Default of 5 minutes (300sec) is from RFC2821 section
149  * @var integer
150  */
151  public $Timelimit = 300;
153  /**
154  * The socket for the server connection.
155  * @var resource
156  */
157  protected $smtp_conn;
159  /**
160  * Error information, if any, for the last SMTP command.
161  * @var array
162  */
163  protected $error = array(
164  'error' => '',
165  'detail' => '',
166  'smtp_code' => '',
167  'smtp_code_ex' => ''
168  );
170  /**
171  * The reply the server sent to us for HELO.
172  * If null, no HELO string has yet been received.
173  * @var string|null
174  */
175  protected $helo_rply = null;
177  /**
178  * The set of SMTP extensions sent in reply to EHLO command.
179  * Indexes of the array are extension names.
180  * Value at index 'HELO' or 'EHLO' (according to command that was sent)
181  * represents the server name. In case of HELO it is the only element of the array.
182  * Other values can be boolean TRUE or an array containing extension options.
183  * If null, no HELO/EHLO string has yet been received.
184  * @var array|null
185  */
186  protected $server_caps = null;
188  /**
189  * The most recent reply received from the server.
190  * @var string
191  */
192  protected $last_reply = '';
194  /**
195  * Output debugging info via a user-selected method.
196  * @see SMTP::$Debugoutput
197  * @see SMTP::$do_debug
198  * @param string $str Debug string to output
199  * @param integer $level The debug level of this message; see DEBUG_* constants
200  * @return void
201  */
202  protected function edebug($str, $level = 0)
203  {
204  if ($level > $this->do_debug) {
205  return;
206  }
207  //Avoid clash with built-in function names
208  if (!in_array($this->Debugoutput, array('error_log', 'html', 'echo')) and is_callable($this->Debugoutput)) {
209  call_user_func($this->Debugoutput, $str, $this->do_debug);
210  return;
211  }
212  switch ($this->Debugoutput) {
213  case 'error_log':
214  //Don't output, just log
215  error_log($str);
216  break;
217  case 'html':
218  //Cleans up output a bit for a better looking, HTML-safe output
219  echo htmlentities(
220  preg_replace('/[\r\n]+/', '', $str),
222  'UTF-8'
223  )
224  . "<br>\n";
225  break;
226  case 'echo':
227  default:
228  //Normalize line breaks
229  $str = preg_replace('/(\r\n|\r|\n)/ms', "\n", $str);
230  echo gmdate('Y-m-d H:i:s') . "\t" . str_replace(
231  "\n",
232  "\n \t ",
233  trim($str)
234  )."\n";
235  }
236  }
238  /**
239  * Connect to an SMTP server.
240  * @param string $host SMTP server IP or host name
241  * @param integer $port The port number to connect to
242  * @param integer $timeout How long to wait for the connection to open
243  * @param array $options An array of options for stream_context_create()
244  * @access public
245  * @return boolean
246  */
247  public function connect($host, $port = null, $timeout = 30, $options = array())
248  {
249  static $streamok;
250  //This is enabled by default since 5.0.0 but some providers disable it
251  //Check this once and cache the result
252  if (is_null($streamok)) {
253  $streamok = function_exists('stream_socket_client');
254  }
255  // Clear errors to avoid confusion
256  $this->setError('');
257  // Make sure we are __not__ connected
258  if ($this->connected()) {
259  // Already connected, generate error
260  $this->setError('Already connected to a server');
261  return false;
262  }
263  if (empty($port)) {
264  $port = self::DEFAULT_SMTP_PORT;
265  }
266  // Connect to the SMTP server
267  $this->edebug(
268  "Connection: opening to $host:$port, timeout=$timeout, options=".var_export($options, true),
270  );
271  $errno = 0;
272  $errstr = '';
273  if ($streamok) {
274  $socket_context = stream_context_create($options);
275  //Suppress errors; connection failures are handled at a higher level
276  $this->smtp_conn = @stream_socket_client(
277  $host . ":" . $port,
278  $errno,
279  $errstr,
280  $timeout,
282  $socket_context
283  );
284  } else {
285  //Fall back to fsockopen which should work in more places, but is missing some features
286  $this->edebug(
287  "Connection: stream_socket_client not available, falling back to fsockopen",
289  );
290  $this->smtp_conn = fsockopen(
291  $host,
292  $port,
293  $errno,
294  $errstr,
295  $timeout
296  );
297  }
298  // Verify we connected properly
299  if (!is_resource($this->smtp_conn)) {
300  $this->setError(
301  'Failed to connect to server',
302  $errno,
303  $errstr
304  );
305  $this->edebug(
306  'SMTP ERROR: ' . $this->error['error']
307  . ": $errstr ($errno)",
308  self::DEBUG_CLIENT
309  );
310  return false;
311  }
312  $this->edebug('Connection: opened', self::DEBUG_CONNECTION);
313  // SMTP server can take longer to respond, give longer timeout for first read
314  // Windows does not have support for this timeout function
315  if (substr(PHP_OS, 0, 3) != 'WIN') {
316  $max = ini_get('max_execution_time');
317  // Don't bother if unlimited
318  if ($max != 0 && $timeout > $max) {
319  @set_time_limit($timeout);
320  }
321  stream_set_timeout($this->smtp_conn, $timeout, 0);
322  }
323  // Get any announcement
324  $announce = $this->get_lines();
325  $this->edebug('SERVER -> CLIENT: ' . $announce, self::DEBUG_SERVER);
326  return true;
327  }
329  /**
330  * Initiate a TLS (encrypted) session.
331  * @access public
332  * @return boolean
333  */
334  public function startTLS()
335  {
336  if (!$this->sendCommand('STARTTLS', 'STARTTLS', 220)) {
337  return false;
338  }
339  // Begin encrypted connection
340  if (!stream_socket_enable_crypto(
341  $this->smtp_conn,
342  true,
344  )) {
345  return false;
346  }
347  return true;
348  }
350  /**
351  * Perform SMTP authentication.
352  * Must be run after hello().
353  * @see hello()
354  * @param string $username The user name
355  * @param string $password The password
356  * @param string $authtype The auth type (PLAIN, LOGIN, NTLM, CRAM-MD5, XOAUTH2)
357  * @param string $realm The auth realm for NTLM
358  * @param string $workstation The auth workstation for NTLM
359  * @param null|OAuth $OAuth An optional OAuth instance (@see PHPMailerOAuth)
360  * @return bool True if successfully authenticated.* @access public
361  */
362  public function authenticate(
363  $username,
364  $password,
365  $authtype = null,
366  $realm = '',
367  $workstation = '',
368  $OAuth = null
369  ) {
370  if (!$this->server_caps) {
371  $this->setError('Authentication is not allowed before HELO/EHLO');
372  return false;
373  }
375  if (array_key_exists('EHLO', $this->server_caps)) {
376  // SMTP extensions are available. Let's try to find a proper authentication method
378  if (!array_key_exists('AUTH', $this->server_caps)) {
379  $this->setError('Authentication is not allowed at this stage');
380  // 'at this stage' means that auth may be allowed after the stage changes
381  // e.g. after STARTTLS
382  return false;
383  }
385  self::edebug('Auth method requested: ' . ($authtype ? $authtype : 'UNKNOWN'), self::DEBUG_LOWLEVEL);
386  self::edebug(
387  'Auth methods available on the server: ' . implode(',', $this->server_caps['AUTH']),
389  );
391  if (empty($authtype)) {
392  foreach (array('LOGIN', 'CRAM-MD5', 'NTLM', 'PLAIN', 'XOAUTH2') as $method) {
393  if (in_array($method, $this->server_caps['AUTH'])) {
394  $authtype = $method;
395  break;
396  }
397  }
398  if (empty($authtype)) {
399  $this->setError('No supported authentication methods found');
400  return false;
401  }
402  self::edebug('Auth method selected: '.$authtype, self::DEBUG_LOWLEVEL);
403  }
405  if (!in_array($authtype, $this->server_caps['AUTH'])) {
406  $this->setError("The requested authentication method \"$authtype\" is not supported by the server");
407  return false;
408  }
409  } elseif (empty($authtype)) {
410  $authtype = 'LOGIN';
411  }
412  switch ($authtype) {
413  case 'PLAIN':
414  // Start authentication
415  if (!$this->sendCommand('AUTH', 'AUTH PLAIN', 334)) {
416  return false;
417  }
418  // Send encoded username and password
419  if (!$this->sendCommand(
420  'User & Password',
421  base64_encode("\0" . $username . "\0" . $password),
422  235
423  )
424  ) {
425  return false;
426  }
427  break;
428  case 'LOGIN':
429  // Start authentication
430  if (!$this->sendCommand('AUTH', 'AUTH LOGIN', 334)) {
431  return false;
432  }
433  if (!$this->sendCommand("Username", base64_encode($username), 334)) {
434  return false;
435  }
436  if (!$this->sendCommand("Password", base64_encode($password), 235)) {
437  return false;
438  }
439  break;
440  case 'XOAUTH2':
441  //If the OAuth Instance is not set. Can be a case when PHPMailer is used
442  //instead of PHPMailerOAuth
443  if (is_null($OAuth)) {
444  return false;
445  }
446  $oauth = $OAuth->getOauth64();
448  // Start authentication
449  if (!$this->sendCommand('AUTH', 'AUTH XOAUTH2 ' . $oauth, 235)) {
450  return false;
451  }
452  break;
453  case 'NTLM':
454  /*
455  * ntlm_sasl_client.php
456  * Bundled with Permission
457  *
458  * How to telnet in windows:
459  *
460  * PROTOCOL Docs
461  */
462  require_once 'extras/ntlm_sasl_client.php';
463  $temp = new stdClass;
464  $ntlm_client = new ntlm_sasl_client_class;
465  //Check that functions are available
466  if (!$ntlm_client->Initialize($temp)) {
467  $this->setError($temp->error);
468  $this->edebug(
469  'You need to enable some modules in your php.ini file: '
470  . $this->error['error'],
471  self::DEBUG_CLIENT
472  );
473  return false;
474  }
475  //msg1
476  $msg1 = $ntlm_client->TypeMsg1($realm, $workstation); //msg1
478  if (!$this->sendCommand(
479  'AUTH NTLM',
480  'AUTH NTLM ' . base64_encode($msg1),
481  334
482  )
483  ) {
484  return false;
485  }
486  //Though 0 based, there is a white space after the 3 digit number
487  //msg2
488  $challenge = substr($this->last_reply, 3);
489  $challenge = base64_decode($challenge);
490  $ntlm_res = $ntlm_client->NTLMResponse(
491  substr($challenge, 24, 8),
492  $password
493  );
494  //msg3
495  $msg3 = $ntlm_client->TypeMsg3(
496  $ntlm_res,
497  $username,
498  $realm,
499  $workstation
500  );
501  // send encoded username
502  return $this->sendCommand('Username', base64_encode($msg3), 235);
503  case 'CRAM-MD5':
504  // Start authentication
505  if (!$this->sendCommand('AUTH CRAM-MD5', 'AUTH CRAM-MD5', 334)) {
506  return false;
507  }
508  // Get the challenge
509  $challenge = base64_decode(substr($this->last_reply, 4));
511  // Build the response
512  $response = $username . ' ' . $this->hmac($challenge, $password);
514  // send encoded credentials
515  return $this->sendCommand('Username', base64_encode($response), 235);
516  default:
517  $this->setError("Authentication method \"$authtype\" is not supported");
518  return false;
519  }
520  return true;
521  }
523  /**
524  * Calculate an MD5 HMAC hash.
525  * Works like hash_hmac('md5', $data, $key)
526  * in case that function is not available
527  * @param string $data The data to hash
528  * @param string $key The key to hash with
529  * @access protected
530  * @return string
531  */
532  protected function hmac($data, $key)
533  {
534  if (function_exists('hash_hmac')) {
535  return hash_hmac('md5', $data, $key);
536  }
538  // The following borrowed from
539  //
541  // RFC 2104 HMAC implementation for php.
542  // Creates an md5 HMAC.
543  // Eliminates the need to install mhash to compute a HMAC
544  // by Lance Rushing
546  $bytelen = 64; // byte length for md5
547  if (strlen($key) > $bytelen) {
548  $key = pack('H*', md5($key));
549  }
550  $key = str_pad($key, $bytelen, chr(0x00));
551  $ipad = str_pad('', $bytelen, chr(0x36));
552  $opad = str_pad('', $bytelen, chr(0x5c));
553  $k_ipad = $key ^ $ipad;
554  $k_opad = $key ^ $opad;
556  return md5($k_opad . pack('H*', md5($k_ipad . $data)));
557  }
559  /**
560  * Check connection state.
561  * @access public
562  * @return boolean True if connected.
563  */
564  public function connected()
565  {
566  if (is_resource($this->smtp_conn)) {
567  $sock_status = stream_get_meta_data($this->smtp_conn);
568  if ($sock_status['eof']) {
569  // The socket is valid but we are not connected
570  $this->edebug(
571  'SMTP NOTICE: EOF caught while checking if connected',
572  self::DEBUG_CLIENT
573  );
574  $this->close();
575  return false;
576  }
577  return true; // everything looks good
578  }
579  return false;
580  }
582  /**
583  * Close the socket and clean up the state of the class.
584  * Don't use this function without first trying to use QUIT.
585  * @see quit()
586  * @access public
587  * @return void
588  */
589  public function close()
590  {
591  $this->setError('');
592  $this->server_caps = null;
593  $this->helo_rply = null;
594  if (is_resource($this->smtp_conn)) {
595  // close the connection and cleanup
596  fclose($this->smtp_conn);
597  $this->smtp_conn = null; //Makes for cleaner serialization
598  $this->edebug('Connection: closed', self::DEBUG_CONNECTION);
599  }
600  }
602  /**
603  * Send an SMTP DATA command.
604  * Issues a data command and sends the msg_data to the server,
605  * finializing the mail transaction. $msg_data is the message
606  * that is to be send with the headers. Each header needs to be
607  * on a single line followed by a <CRLF> with the message headers
608  * and the message body being separated by and additional <CRLF>.
609  * Implements rfc 821: DATA <CRLF>
610  * @param string $msg_data Message data to send
611  * @access public
612  * @return boolean
613  */
614  public function data($msg_data)
615  {
616  //This will use the standard timelimit
617  if (!$this->sendCommand('DATA', 'DATA', 354)) {
618  return false;
619  }
621  /* The server is ready to accept data!
622  * According to rfc821 we should not send more than 1000 characters on a single line (including the CRLF)
623  * so we will break the data up into lines by \r and/or \n then if needed we will break each of those into
624  * smaller lines to fit within the limit.
625  * We will also look for lines that start with a '.' and prepend an additional '.'.
626  * NOTE: this does not count towards line-length limit.
627  */
629  // Normalize line breaks before exploding
630  $lines = explode("\n", str_replace(array("\r\n", "\r"), "\n", $msg_data));
632  /* To distinguish between a complete RFC822 message and a plain message body, we check if the first field
633  * of the first line (':' separated) does not contain a space then it _should_ be a header and we will
634  * process all lines before a blank line as headers.
635  */
637  $field = substr($lines[0], 0, strpos($lines[0], ':'));
638  $in_headers = false;
639  if (!empty($field) && strpos($field, ' ') === false) {
640  $in_headers = true;
641  }
643  foreach ($lines as $line) {
644  $lines_out = array();
645  if ($in_headers and $line == '') {
646  $in_headers = false;
647  }
648  //Break this line up into several smaller lines if it's too long
649  //Micro-optimisation: isset($str[$len]) is faster than (strlen($str) > $len),
650  while (isset($line[self::MAX_LINE_LENGTH])) {
651  //Working backwards, try to find a space within the last MAX_LINE_LENGTH chars of the line to break on
652  //so as to avoid breaking in the middle of a word
653  $pos = strrpos(substr($line, 0, self::MAX_LINE_LENGTH), ' ');
654  //Deliberately matches both false and 0
655  if (!$pos) {
656  //No nice break found, add a hard break
657  $pos = self::MAX_LINE_LENGTH - 1;
658  $lines_out[] = substr($line, 0, $pos);
659  $line = substr($line, $pos);
660  } else {
661  //Break at the found point
662  $lines_out[] = substr($line, 0, $pos);
663  //Move along by the amount we dealt with
664  $line = substr($line, $pos + 1);
665  }
666  //If processing headers add a LWSP-char to the front of new line RFC822 section 3.1.1
667  if ($in_headers) {
668  $line = "\t" . $line;
669  }
670  }
671  $lines_out[] = $line;
673  //Send the lines to the server
674  foreach ($lines_out as $line_out) {
675  //RFC2821 section 4.5.2
676  if (!empty($line_out) and $line_out[0] == '.') {
677  $line_out = '.' . $line_out;
678  }
679  $this->client_send($line_out . self::CRLF);
680  }
681  }
683  //Message data has been sent, complete the command
684  //Increase timelimit for end of DATA command
685  $savetimelimit = $this->Timelimit;
686  $this->Timelimit = $this->Timelimit * 2;
687  $result = $this->sendCommand('DATA END', '.', 250);
688  //Restore timelimit
689  $this->Timelimit = $savetimelimit;
690  return $result;
691  }
693  /**
694  * Send an SMTP HELO or EHLO command.
695  * Used to identify the sending server to the receiving server.
696  * This makes sure that client and server are in a known state.
697  * Implements RFC 821: HELO <SP> <domain> <CRLF>
698  * and RFC 2821 EHLO.
699  * @param string $host The host name or IP to connect to
700  * @access public
701  * @return boolean
702  */
703  public function hello($host = '')
704  {
705  //Try extended hello first (RFC 2821)
706  return (boolean)($this->sendHello('EHLO', $host) or $this->sendHello('HELO', $host));
707  }
709  /**
710  * Send an SMTP HELO or EHLO command.
711  * Low-level implementation used by hello()
712  * @see hello()
713  * @param string $hello The HELO string
714  * @param string $host The hostname to say we are
715  * @access protected
716  * @return boolean
717  */
718  protected function sendHello($hello, $host)
719  {
720  $noerror = $this->sendCommand($hello, $hello . ' ' . $host, 250);
721  $this->helo_rply = $this->last_reply;
722  if ($noerror) {
723  $this->parseHelloFields($hello);
724  } else {
725  $this->server_caps = null;
726  }
727  return $noerror;
728  }
730  /**
731  * Parse a reply to HELO/EHLO command to discover server extensions.
732  * In case of HELO, the only parameter that can be discovered is a server name.
733  * @access protected
734  * @param string $type - 'HELO' or 'EHLO'
735  */
736  protected function parseHelloFields($type)
737  {
738  $this->server_caps = array();
739  $lines = explode("\n", $this->last_reply);
741  foreach ($lines as $n => $s) {
742  //First 4 chars contain response code followed by - or space
743  $s = trim(substr($s, 4));
744  if (empty($s)) {
745  continue;
746  }
747  $fields = explode(' ', $s);
748  if (!empty($fields)) {
749  if (!$n) {
750  $name = $type;
751  $fields = $fields[0];
752  } else {
753  $name = array_shift($fields);
754  switch ($name) {
755  case 'SIZE':
756  $fields = ($fields ? $fields[0] : 0);
757  break;
758  case 'AUTH':
759  if (!is_array($fields)) {
760  $fields = array();
761  }
762  break;
763  default:
764  $fields = true;
765  }
766  }
767  $this->server_caps[$name] = $fields;
768  }
769  }
770  }
772  /**
773  * Send an SMTP MAIL command.
774  * Starts a mail transaction from the email address specified in
775  * $from. Returns true if successful or false otherwise. If True
776  * the mail transaction is started and then one or more recipient
777  * commands may be called followed by a data command.
778  * Implements rfc 821: MAIL <SP> FROM:<reverse-path> <CRLF>
779  * @param string $from Source address of this message
780  * @access public
781  * @return boolean
782  */
783  public function mail($from)
784  {
785  $useVerp = ($this->do_verp ? ' XVERP' : '');
786  return $this->sendCommand(
787  'MAIL FROM',
788  'MAIL FROM:<' . $from . '>' . $useVerp,
789  250
790  );
791  }
793  /**
794  * Send an SMTP QUIT command.
795  * Closes the socket if there is no error or the $close_on_error argument is true.
796  * Implements from rfc 821: QUIT <CRLF>
797  * @param boolean $close_on_error Should the connection close if an error occurs?
798  * @access public
799  * @return boolean
800  */
801  public function quit($close_on_error = true)
802  {
803  $noerror = $this->sendCommand('QUIT', 'QUIT', 221);
804  $err = $this->error; //Save any error
805  if ($noerror or $close_on_error) {
806  $this->close();
807  $this->error = $err; //Restore any error from the quit command
808  }
809  return $noerror;
810  }
812  /**
813  * Send an SMTP RCPT command.
814  * Sets the TO argument to $toaddr.
815  * Returns true if the recipient was accepted false if it was rejected.
816  * Implements from rfc 821: RCPT <SP> TO:<forward-path> <CRLF>
817  * @param string $address The address the message is being sent to
818  * @access public
819  * @return boolean
820  */
821  public function recipient($address)
822  {
823  return $this->sendCommand(
824  'RCPT TO',
825  'RCPT TO:<' . $address . '>',
826  array(250, 251)
827  );
828  }
830  /**
831  * Send an SMTP RSET command.
832  * Abort any transaction that is currently in progress.
833  * Implements rfc 821: RSET <CRLF>
834  * @access public
835  * @return boolean True on success.
836  */
837  public function reset()
838  {
839  return $this->sendCommand('RSET', 'RSET', 250);
840  }
842  /**
843  * Send a command to an SMTP server and check its return code.
844  * @param string $command The command name - not sent to the server
845  * @param string $commandstring The actual command to send
846  * @param integer|array $expect One or more expected integer success codes
847  * @access protected
848  * @return boolean True on success.
849  */
850  protected function sendCommand($command, $commandstring, $expect)
851  {
852  if (!$this->connected()) {
853  $this->setError("Called $command without being connected");
854  return false;
855  }
856  //Reject line breaks in all commands
857  if (strpos($commandstring, "\n") !== false or strpos($commandstring, "\r") !== false) {
858  $this->setError("Command '$command' contained line breaks");
859  return false;
860  }
861  $this->client_send($commandstring . self::CRLF);
863  $this->last_reply = $this->get_lines();
864  // Fetch SMTP code and possible error code explanation
865  $matches = array();
866  if (preg_match("/^([0-9]{3})[ -](?:([0-9]\\.[0-9]\\.[0-9]) )?/", $this->last_reply, $matches)) {
867  $code = $matches[1];
868  $code_ex = (count($matches) > 2 ? $matches[2] : null);
869  // Cut off error code from each response line
870  $detail = preg_replace(
871  "/{$code}[ -]".($code_ex ? str_replace('.', '\\.', $code_ex).' ' : '')."/m",
872  '',
873  $this->last_reply
874  );
875  } else {
876  // Fall back to simple parsing if regex fails
877  $code = substr($this->last_reply, 0, 3);
878  $code_ex = null;
879  $detail = substr($this->last_reply, 4);
880  }
882  $this->edebug('SERVER -> CLIENT: ' . $this->last_reply, self::DEBUG_SERVER);
884  if (!in_array($code, (array)$expect)) {
885  $this->setError(
886  "$command command failed",
887  $detail,
888  $code,
889  $code_ex
890  );
891  $this->edebug(
892  'SMTP ERROR: ' . $this->error['error'] . ': ' . $this->last_reply,
893  self::DEBUG_CLIENT
894  );
895  return false;
896  }
898  $this->setError('');
899  return true;
900  }
902  /**
903  * Send an SMTP SAML command.
904  * Starts a mail transaction from the email address specified in $from.
905  * Returns true if successful or false otherwise. If True
906  * the mail transaction is started and then one or more recipient
907  * commands may be called followed by a data command. This command
908  * will send the message to the users terminal if they are logged
909  * in and send them an email.
910  * Implements rfc 821: SAML <SP> FROM:<reverse-path> <CRLF>
911  * @param string $from The address the message is from
912  * @access public
913  * @return boolean
914  */
915  public function sendAndMail($from)
916  {
917  return $this->sendCommand('SAML', "SAML FROM:$from", 250);
918  }
920  /**
921  * Send an SMTP VRFY command.
922  * @param string $name The name to verify
923  * @access public
924  * @return boolean
925  */
926  public function verify($name)
927  {
928  return $this->sendCommand('VRFY', "VRFY $name", array(250, 251));
929  }
931  /**
932  * Send an SMTP NOOP command.
933  * Used to keep keep-alives alive, doesn't actually do anything
934  * @access public
935  * @return boolean
936  */
937  public function noop()
938  {
939  return $this->sendCommand('NOOP', 'NOOP', 250);
940  }
942  /**
943  * Send an SMTP TURN command.
944  * This is an optional command for SMTP that this class does not support.
945  * This method is here to make the RFC821 Definition complete for this class
946  * and _may_ be implemented in future
947  * Implements from rfc 821: TURN <CRLF>
948  * @access public
949  * @return boolean
950  */
951  public function turn()
952  {
953  $this->setError('The SMTP TURN command is not implemented');
954  $this->edebug('SMTP NOTICE: ' . $this->error['error'], self::DEBUG_CLIENT);
955  return false;
956  }
958  /**
959  * Send raw data to the server.
960  * @param string $data The data to send
961  * @access public
962  * @return integer|boolean The number of bytes sent to the server or false on error
963  */
964  public function client_send($data)
965  {
966  $this->edebug("CLIENT -> SERVER: $data", self::DEBUG_CLIENT);
967  return fwrite($this->smtp_conn, $data);
968  }
970  /**
971  * Get the latest error.
972  * @access public
973  * @return array
974  */
975  public function getError()
976  {
977  return $this->error;
978  }
980  /**
981  * Get SMTP extensions available on the server
982  * @access public
983  * @return array|null
984  */
985  public function getServerExtList()
986  {
987  return $this->server_caps;
988  }
990  /**
991  * A multipurpose method
992  * The method works in three ways, dependent on argument value and current state
993  * 1. HELO/EHLO was not sent - returns null and set up $this->error
994  * 2. HELO was sent
995  * $name = 'HELO': returns server name
996  * $name = 'EHLO': returns boolean false
997  * $name = any string: returns null and set up $this->error
998  * 3. EHLO was sent
999  * $name = 'HELO'|'EHLO': returns server name
1000  * $name = any string: if extension $name exists, returns boolean True
1001  * or its options. Otherwise returns boolean False
1002  * In other words, one can use this method to detect 3 conditions:
1003  * - null returned: handshake was not or we don't know about ext (refer to $this->error)
1004  * - false returned: the requested feature exactly not exists
1005  * - positive value returned: the requested feature exists
1006  * @param string $name Name of SMTP extension or 'HELO'|'EHLO'
1007  * @return mixed
1008  */
1009  public function getServerExt($name)
1010  {
1011  if (!$this->server_caps) {
1012  $this->setError('No HELO/EHLO was sent');
1013  return null;
1014  }
1016  // the tight logic knot ;)
1017  if (!array_key_exists($name, $this->server_caps)) {
1018  if ($name == 'HELO') {
1019  return $this->server_caps['EHLO'];
1020  }
1021  if ($name == 'EHLO' || array_key_exists('EHLO', $this->server_caps)) {
1022  return false;
1023  }
1024  $this->setError('HELO handshake was used. Client knows nothing about server extensions');
1025  return null;
1026  }
1028  return $this->server_caps[$name];
1029  }
1031  /**
1032  * Get the last reply from the server.
1033  * @access public
1034  * @return string
1035  */
1036  public function getLastReply()
1037  {
1038  return $this->last_reply;
1039  }
1041  /**
1042  * Read the SMTP server's response.
1043  * Either before eof or socket timeout occurs on the operation.
1044  * With SMTP we can tell if we have more lines to read if the
1045  * 4th character is '-' symbol. If it is a space then we don't
1046  * need to read anything else.
1047  * @access protected
1048  * @return string
1049  */
1050  protected function get_lines()
1051  {
1052  // If the connection is bad, give up straight away
1053  if (!is_resource($this->smtp_conn)) {
1054  return '';
1055  }
1056  $data = '';
1057  $endtime = 0;
1058  stream_set_timeout($this->smtp_conn, $this->Timeout);
1059  if ($this->Timelimit > 0) {
1060  $endtime = time() + $this->Timelimit;
1061  }
1062  while (is_resource($this->smtp_conn) && !feof($this->smtp_conn)) {
1063  $str = @fgets($this->smtp_conn, 515);
1064  $this->edebug("SMTP -> get_lines(): \$data is \"$data\"", self::DEBUG_LOWLEVEL);
1065  $this->edebug("SMTP -> get_lines(): \$str is \"$str\"", self::DEBUG_LOWLEVEL);
1066  $data .= $str;
1067  // If 4th character is a space, we are done reading, break the loop, micro-optimisation over strlen
1068  if ((isset($str[3]) and $str[3] == ' ')) {
1069  break;
1070  }
1071  // Timed-out? Log and break
1072  $info = stream_get_meta_data($this->smtp_conn);
1073  if ($info['timed_out']) {
1074  $this->edebug(
1075  'SMTP -> get_lines(): timed-out (' . $this->Timeout . ' sec)',
1076  self::DEBUG_LOWLEVEL
1077  );
1078  break;
1079  }
1080  // Now check if reads took too long
1081  if ($endtime and time() > $endtime) {
1082  $this->edebug(
1083  'SMTP -> get_lines(): timelimit reached ('.
1084  $this->Timelimit . ' sec)',
1085  self::DEBUG_LOWLEVEL
1086  );
1087  break;
1088  }
1089  }
1090  return $data;
1091  }
1093  /**
1094  * Enable or disable VERP address generation.
1095  * @param boolean $enabled
1096  */
1097  public function setVerp($enabled = false)
1098  {
1099  $this->do_verp = $enabled;
1100  }
1102  /**
1103  * Get VERP address generation mode.
1104  * @return boolean
1105  */
1106  public function getVerp()
1107  {
1108  return $this->do_verp;
1109  }
1111  /**
1112  * Set error messages and codes.
1113  * @param string $message The error message
1114  * @param string $detail Further detail on the error
1115  * @param string $smtp_code An associated SMTP error code
1116  * @param string $smtp_code_ex Extended SMTP code
1117  */
1118  protected function setError($message, $detail = '', $smtp_code = '', $smtp_code_ex = '')
1119  {
1120  $this->error = array(
1121  'error' => $message,
1122  'detail' => $detail,
1123  'smtp_code' => $smtp_code,
1124  'smtp_code_ex' => $smtp_code_ex
1125  );
1126  }
1128  /**
1129  * Set debug output method.
1130  * @param string|callable $method The name of the mechanism to use for debugging output, or a callable to handle it.
1131  */
1132  public function setDebugOutput($method = 'echo')
1133  {
1134  $this->Debugoutput = $method;
1135  }
1137  /**
1138  * Get debug output method.
1139  * @return string
1140  */
1141  public function getDebugOutput()
1142  {
1143  return $this->Debugoutput;
1144  }
1146  /**
1147  * Set debug output level.
1148  * @param integer $level
1149  */
1150  public function setDebugLevel($level = 0)
1151  {
1152  $this->do_debug = $level;
1153  }
1155  /**
1156  * Get debug output level.
1157  * @return integer
1158  */
1159  public function getDebugLevel()
1160  {
1161  return $this->do_debug;
1162  }
1164  /**
1165  * Set SMTP timeout.
1166  * @param integer $timeout
1167  */
1168  public function setTimeout($timeout = 0)
1169  {
1170  $this->Timeout = $timeout;
1171  }
1173  /**
1174  * Get SMTP timeout.
1175  * @return integer
1176  */
1177  public function getTimeout()
1178  {
1179  return $this->Timeout;
1180  }
1181 }
Definition: class.smtp.php:589
Definition: class.smtp.php:71
connect($host, $port=null, $timeout=30, $options=array())
Definition: class.smtp.php:247
Definition: class.smtp.php:61
Definition: class.smtp.php:186
Definition: checkVault.php:34
edebug($str, $level=0)
Definition: class.smtp.php:202
Definition: class.smtp.php:175
Definition: class.smtp.php:564
Definition: class.smtp.php:76
Definition: class.smtp.php:837
Definition: class.smtp.php:985
Definition: class.smtp.php:915
if($famId) $s
Definition: class.smtp.php:56
setDebugOutput($method= 'echo')
Definition: class.smtp.php:45
Definition: class.smtp.php:127
authenticate($username, $password, $authtype=null, $realm= '', $workstation= '', $OAuth=null)
Definition: class.smtp.php:362
Definition: class.smtp.php:92
Definition: class.smtp.php:975
Definition: class.smtp.php:157
Definition: class.smtp.php:783
Definition: class.smtp.php:951
Definition: class.smtp.php:66
Definition: class.smtp.php:937
sendCommand($command, $commandstring, $expect)
Definition: class.smtp.php:850
Definition: class.smtp.php:151
Definition: class.smtp.php:334
Definition: class.smtp.php:84
Definition: class.smtp.php:192
hello($host= '')
Definition: class.smtp.php:703
Definition: class.smtp.php:614
Definition: geticon.php:30
Definition: class.smtp.php:964
Definition: class.smtp.php:736
if($file) if($subject==""&&$file) if($subject=="") $err
Definition: class.smtp.php:926
hmac($data, $key)
Definition: class.smtp.php:532
Definition: class.smtp.php:51
Definition: class.smtp.php:801
const CRLF
Definition: class.smtp.php:39
Definition: class.smtp.php:821
sendHello($hello, $host)
Definition: class.smtp.php:718
setError($message, $detail= '', $smtp_code= '', $smtp_code_ex= '')
Definition: class.smtp.php:33
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