Core  3.2
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1 <?php
2 /*
3  * @author Anakeen
4  * @package FDL
5 */
6 /**
7  * Default install directory
8  *
9  * @author Anakeen
10  * @package FDL
11  * @subpackage CORE
12  */
13 /**
14  */
15 global $pubdir;
16 $pubdir = dirname(__DIR__);
18 set_include_path($pubdir . PATH_SEPARATOR . "$pubdir/WHAT" . PATH_SEPARATOR . get_include_path());
20 ini_set("session.use_cookies", "0");
21 ini_set("", "session");
22 @ini_set("session.use_trans_sid", "0");
23 ini_set("session.cache_limiter", "nocache");
24 ini_set("magic_quotes_gpc", "Off");
25 ini_set("default_charset", "utf-8");
26 ini_set("pcre.backtrack_limit", max(ini_get("pcre.backtrack_limit") , 10000000));
27 //ini_set("error_reporting", ini_get("error_reporting") & ~E_NOTICE);
28 define("DEFAULT_PUBDIR", $pubdir);
29 // Maximum length of a filename (should match your system NAME_MAX constant)
30 define("MAX_FILENAME_LEN", 255);
global $pubdir
Definition: Lib.Prefix.php:15
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