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1 <?php
2 /*
3  * @author Anakeen
4  * @package FDL
5 */
6 /**
7  * Errors code used when import document
8  * @class ErrorCodeDOC
9  * @brief List all error code for DOC
10  * @see ErrorCode
11  */
13 {
14  /**
15  * @errorCode
16  * when import document the family reference is required
17  */
18  const DOC0002 = 'family reference is empty for document "%s"';
19  /**
20  * @errorCode
21  * the reference family must begin with a letter and must contains only alphanum characters
22  */
23  const DOC0003 = 'syntax error family reference "%s" for document "%s"';
24  /**
25  * @errorCode
26  * the document's reference must begin with a letter and must contains only alphanum characters
27  */
28  const DOC0004 = 'syntax error document reference "%s" ';
29  /**
30  * @errorCode
31  * the reference family must be exists
32  */
33  const DOC0005 = 'family reference "%s" not exists for document "%s"';
34  /**
35  * @errorCode
36  * the reference family must be a family document
37  */
38  const DOC0006 = 'family reference "%s" is not a family "%s"';
39  /**
40  * @errorCode
41  * must have create privilege to import thid kind of document
42  */
43  const DOC0007 = 'insufficient privileges to import document "%s" of "%s" family ';
44  /**
45  * @errorCode
46  * cannot change inherit family for a document
47  */
48  const DOC0008 = 'the document "%s" cannot be converted from "%s" to "%s" family ';
49  /**
50  * @errorCode
51  * cannot update fixed document, no alive revision is found
52  */
53  const DOC0009 = 'the document "%s" (family "%s") is fixed';
54  /**
55  * @errorCode
56  * the document cannot be imported because family is not completed
57  */
58  const DOC0010 = 'family error detected "%s" for the document "%s" : %s';
59  /**
60  * @errorCode
61  * error in setvalue when import document
62  */
63  const DOC0100 = 'setValue error "%s" for attribute "%s"';
64  /**
65  * @errorCode
66  * error when inserting file for file attributes
67  * @note when file is included in array attribute
68  */
69  const DOC0101 = 'vault error "%s" to import file "%s" for attribute "%s" in "%s" document';
70  /**
71  * @errorCode
72  * error when inserting file in vault for file attributes
73  */
74  const DOC0102 = 'vault error "%s" to import file "%s" for attribute "%s" in "%s" document';
75  /**
76  * @errorCode
77  * error in set value for file attributes
78  */
79  const DOC0103 = 'set value error "%s" to import file "%s" for attribute "%s" in "%s" document';
80  /**
81  * @errorCode
82  * preImport Method detect error (special) for physical id)
83  */
84  const DOC0104 = 'preImport error in "%s" system document : %s';
85  /**
86  * @errorCode
87  * preImport Method detect error when create it
88  * @note when policy import is add
89  */
90  const DOC0105 = 'preImport error in "%s" document when create it: %s';
91  /**
92  * @errorCode
93  * preImport Method detect error when create it
94  * @note when policy import is update
95  */
96  const DOC0106 = 'preImport error in "%s" document when create it: %s';
97  /**
98  * @errorCode
99  * detect error when create it
100  * @note when policy import is add
101  */
102  const DOC0107 = 'creation error in "%s" document : %s';
103  /**
104  * @errorCode
105  * detect error when create it
106  * @note when policy import is update
107  */
108  const DOC0108 = 'creation error in "%s" document : %s';
109  /**
110  * @errorCode
111  * preImport Method detect error when update it
112  * @note when policy import is update
113  */
114  const DOC0109 = 'preImport error in "%s" document when update it: %s';
115  /**
116  * @errorCode
117  * too many similar document when try update by key ref
118  * generaly a document with same title has been found
119  * @note when policy import is update
120  */
121  const DOC0110 = 'similar document "%s" document when update it';
122  /**
123  * @errorCode
124  * preImport Method detect error when update it
125  * @note when logical name is set
126  */
127  const DOC0111 = 'preImport error in "%s" document when update it: %s';
128  /**
129  * @errorCode
130  * update doc error after postStore method
131  * @see Doc::store
132  */
133  const DOC0112 = 'update error in "%s" document : %s';
134  /**
135  * @errorCode
136  * update doc error after transfert values from old doc
137  * @see Doc::store
138  */
139  const DOC0113 = 'transfertvalues error in document "%s" update: %s';
140  /**
141  * @errorCode the attribute must exists to get its value
142  * @see Doc::getAttributeValue
143  */
144  const DOC0114 = 'attribute "%s" not exists in document "%s" (family "%s") : cannot get its value';
145  /**
146  * @errorCode the attribute must exists to set its value
147  * @see Doc::setAttributeValue
148  */
149  const DOC0115 = 'attribute "%s" not exists in document "%s" (family "%s") : cannot set any value';
150  /**
151  * @errorCode a value cannot be associated to a structured attribute. It must not be an TAB or FRAME attribute type.
152  * @see Doc::getAttributeValue
153  */
154  const DOC0116 = 'attribute "%s" is a structured attribute in document "%s" (family "%s") : it cannot has any values';
155  /**
156  * @errorCode a value cannot be set to a structured attribute. It must not be an TAB or FRAME attribute type.
157  * @see Doc::setAttributeValue
158  */
159  const DOC0117 = 'attribute "%s" is a structured attribute in document "%s" (family "%s") : it cannot set values';
160  /**
161  * @errorCode try to update a document revised
162  * @see Doc::store
163  */
164  const DOC0118 = 'cannot update fixed document "%s" (#%d)';
165  /**
166  * @errorCode try to update a document revised
167  * @see Doc::store
168  */
169  const DOC0119 = 'the document "%s" (#%d) became fixed because another revision more recent has been created';
170  /**
171  * @errorCode when update family parameter
172  * @see DocFam::setParam
173  */
174  const DOC0120 = 'cannot set family parameter "%s". It is not a parameter for "%s" ("%s") family';
175  /**
176  * @errorCode application tag must not contain \n character
177  * @see Doc::addATag
178  */
179  const DOC0121 = 'cannot add application tag "%s" (document #%d). Application tag must not contain \n character';
180  /**
181  * @errorCode application tag must not be empty
182  * @see Doc::addATag
183  */
184  const DOC0122 = 'cannot add application tag (document #%d). Application tag must not be empty';
185  /**
186  * @errorCode when update attribute family default value
187  * @see DocFam::setDefValue
188  */
189  const DOC0123 = 'cannot set default value for "%s". It is not an attribute for "%s" ("%s") family';
190  /**
191  * @errorCode problems with frame's structure
192  * @see Doc::viewbodycard
193  */
194  const DOC0124 = 'changeframe requested but current frame is empty (current attribute is "%s")';
195  /**
196  * @errorCode problems with frame's structure
197  * @see Doc::viewbodycard
198  */
199  const DOC0125 = 'changeframe requested but current frame "%s" does not exists (current attribute is "%s")';
200  /**
201  * @errorCode return of customSearchValues hook must be an array
202  * @see Doc::getCustomSearchValues
203  */
204  const DOC0126 = 'getCustomSearchValues must return an array of string (found "%s")';
205  /**
206  * @errorCode Dynamic profil reference an attribute which no refers to any document
207  * @see DocCtrl::computeDProfil
208  */
209  const DOC0127 = 'Document with identifier %s not found for attribute %s';
210  /**
211  * @errorCode Dynamic profil reference an attribute refers to a document. But this document is not an account
212  * @see DocCtrl::computeDProfil
213  */
214  const DOC0128 = 'Document with identifier "%s" from attribute "%s" has no property "us_whatid"';
215  /**
216  * @errorCode Dynamic profil reference an attribute which refers to an incomplete account
217  * @see DocCtrl::computeDProfil
218  */
219  const DOC0129 = 'Document with identifier "%s" from attribute "%s" has an empty property "us_whatid"';
220  /**
221  * @errorCode The requested attribute was not found in Doc::getHtmlAttrValue()
222  * @see Doc::getHtmlAttrValue
223  */
224  const DOC0130 = 'Attribute "%s" not found on document "%s" from family "%s"';
225  /**
226  * @errorCode
227  * the document cannot be inserted in folder target
228  * @note when DOC has defined a folder target
229  */
230  const DOC0200 = 'cannot insert "%s" document in "%s" folder : %s';
231  /**
232  * @errorCode
233  * the folder target is not found
234  * @note when DOC has defined a folder target
235  */
236  const DOC0201 = '"%s" folder not found. Cannot insert "%s" document';
237  /**
238  * @errorCode
239  * the folder target is not a folder document
240  * @note when DOC has defined a folder target
241  */
242  const DOC0202 = '"%s" folder is not a folder (is is a "%s"). Cannot insert "%s" document';
243  /**
244  * @errorCode The document one is trying to duplicate is invalid.
245  * @note An invalid document can be a non-existing document (e.g. obtained with `new_Doc("", "NON_EXISTING")`).
246  */
247  const DOC0203 = "Cannot duplicate an invalid document";
248  /**
249  * @errorCode
250  * the mask cannot be applied
251  */
252  const DOC1000 = '"%s" mask is not found , cannot apply it to "%s" document';
253  /**
254  * @errorCode
255  * the mask to apply is not mask
256  */
257  const DOC1001 = '"%s" document is not a mask (is is a "%s"), cannot apply it to "%s" document';
258  /**
259  * @errorCode
260  * the family mask attribute is not compatible
261  */
262  const DOC1002 = '"%s" mask cannot be apply to "%s" document. It is set for "%s" family';
263  /**
264  * @errorCode
265  * the mask cannot be applied from its logical mask
266  */
267  const DOC1004 = '"%s" mask is not found , cannot apply it to "%s" document';
268  /**
269  * @errorCode
270  * A method call by client must has a specific declaration in the comment part : @apiExpose
271  *
272  */
273  const DOC1100 = 'Method %s::%s() not contains @apiExpose tag comment. Document %s';
274  /**
275  * @errorCode
276  * A controller view method must has a specific declaration in the comment part : @templateController
277  *
278  */
279  const DOC1101 = 'Method %s::%s() not contains @templateController tag comment. Document %s';
280 }
List all error code for DOC.
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